Chapter 8

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We were at the beach, and Mr.Evans was busy chasing Camy around while I laid on the towel on the floor. The sun was just right on my skin and although I knew I needed to add more sunscreen, I was just too tired to get up. I could hear the violent splash of water add the giggles from afar and those sounds lulled me to sleep with a smile on my face.

After Camille woke up, Mr. Evans cajoled her outside where she was met with a canvas, some paint and brushes. This only got her more excited. She sat still, not moving for an hour as her father made a portrait of her. It was so wonderful to watch.

Just as I was on the train to la-la land, droplets of water rained on my face and my eyes snapped open.

"Camy!!" I didn't need anyone telling me who exactly it was, only her would do something like that. She gave me a shrug before speaking, not even bothering to apologise.

"Do you want more sunscreen?" It wasn't like she knew I needed more screen,not at all. She was just so excited to rub some on something.

Yes,I do need more sunscreen, do you mind helping out?" She eagerly nodded her head and reached for the lotion. Before she could smear some on my back however, Mrs Anderson called her in. I let out a loud groan, just when I had thought that maybe I didn't need to stress over putting on sunscreen, Mrs.Anderson had to spoil my plan.

"Do you mind if I help?" I jumped a little, jerking my head as far as it could, so fast that it gave me a whiplash.

"Ouch" my hand grabbed onto my neck as I tried to soothe the ache.

"Are you okay?"

'Of course I was not okay, I had no idea you were there that was what I really wanted to say, but instead I said.

"Yes, I'm fine, just a little ache." He hummed to that.

"Do you want my help with the sunscreen." With the way my feelings were beginning to go haywire for this man, I didn't think him doing this was a good idea, but it didn't matter as long as he had his hands on me.

"Uhmm..." I cleared my throat. "Sure. Thank you." I mentally face palmed myself, I was very awkward and it wasn't even funny. I closed my eyes and waited for his hands to begin to do their magic; not like there was much magic to be done anyways. When they finally made contact with my back, I flinched. I didn't know if it was because of the coolness of the sunscreen or if it was because of his hands on me. I managed to calm down eventually, and loosen up, and that was when he continued. He spread the lotion generously over my back, reaching for my sides occasionally but never getting to my breasts. I was thankful for that. When he got to my neck, he began massaging it with his large hands, probably knowing just how painful a whiplash was. Because of how good his masseuse skills were, I unknowingly let out a moan at a point, making the both of us freeze. My eyes had popped open and I swore they were ready to bulge out. He cleared his throat awkwardly before getting up and leaving me to my dilemma.

"That's all he said." And I only nodded my head in response. He sat down on the towel beside me and looked up to the sky, his eyes squinting close. I turned around and sat up, there was some tension between us and I could only accord it to the kiss from earlier.

"I had no idea she hit Camille." I looked at him and then I saw the tears rolling down his face. He quickly wiped the tears away, not wanting to be seen this weak.

"If I knew, she'd have paid so much. I had no idea." I really wanted to tell him that there was no way he could have known, but I could not because I knew it wouldn't have been true. I stood up from my mat and sat by him, grabbing a hold of his hand once more to let him know that it was going to work out just right.

After our time at the beach, it didn't take long for Camy to go back to bed, and it had me wondering who was lazier between the both of us. I and Mr. Evans were the only people still awake and he had asked me to join him for some wine. Of course I wanted to reject his offer, but it seemed that the kiss from earlier didn't only bring up those feelings from before, it also made me want to spend more time with him, and some part of me wished he also wanted to spend time with me. It seemed like the only reason he would ask me to join him. I was very lightweight, and I couldn't hold my liquor and it was the reason I found myself on the counter, my vintage shirt off, leaving me in only my bikini. I was a laughing mess and with amusement in his eyes, the man in front of me seemed to be enjoying the show I was putting on.

"You are pretty." I said after a moment of silence and just staring at him. His response was to raise an eyebrow and that caused me to laugh. His smile lifted up in an almost there smile before it disappeared into thin air. I made a pout with my lips, before smiling widely at him.

"I want to kiss you." I sat right, although I was still swaying from side to side from how drunk I was.

"You are drunk." He stated.

"So? I kissed you before, didn't I?" I questioned him before leaning forward.

"And I liked it." I tried to be as seductive as I could be, even with being drunk but I think I failed. He cleared his throat for the umpteenth time that hour and I wanted to believe it was because I had some effect on him.

"I've always liked you." I began to rant. Drunk me was a chatterbox and would spill anything possible. "I'm really serious. I just couldn't tell you, because you are my boss, and you are so intimidating and you don't like me." My lips were becoming wobbly, my eyes were pouring out tears and I had a hiccup.

"That's not true." He muttered and I watched his hand go up towards my face, stopped halfway and went back down. I let out a sigh.

"Let's get you to sleep." He got up on his feet, taking my humming as an affirmative. He carried me in his arms bridal style and began walking to my room. He looked down at me, looked back up and let out a sigh of his own.

"Go to sleep, we'd talk tomorrow, when you aren't drunk."

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