Chapter 6

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I jolted up from the bed, my hand was clutching onto my night wear, trying to somehow stop my raging heart from jumping out of my chest. I looked around me to make sure that I was safe and alone and when I confirmed, I let the tears begin to rush down. I hated these nightmares, yet I kept having them over and over again. The same nightmare with the same dying soldier. I wasn't even there, I didn't understand why I had such vivid nightmares of the event. I plopped back on the bed, suddenly not willing to get up. I didn't want to know the time, it wasn't important. What was important was me, maybe I needed some more rest. I was still feeling sleepy so I assumed that it was still pretty early but I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. I was scared of getting the nightmare again, so I just laid there for God knows how long, staring up at the dull ceiling. As I thought of random things, ranging from how I arranged the room I was in, to be more me, to what was going to be for breakfast the next day, I found myself falling back to sleep. As hard as I tried, my eyes wouldn't listen and they just wanted to shut themselves and force me to sleep. When I couldn't fight to keep them open anymore, I finally gave in and dozed off.

When I woke up again, it was bright and very sunny outside, and I didn't wake up because I had another nightmare, no, it was because a very hyper and excited child kept on jumping on me and on my bed.

"Annaaaa!!" She let out a rough scream and I just groaned in annoyance. I had no idea how long I stayed awake the previous night after the nightmare but compared to how long I slept, it seemed so little.

"Go away Camy." I had a sense of Deja vú, only that this time, I was the one trying to go back to sleep, and not Camy.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone Anna. You have to get up." I turned my body around with her still on it and used a pillow to cover my head.

"Come on Anna." She whined out, tugging me by a some strand of my hair.

"Nooooo!" I whined back at her.

"But Mrs. Anderson already made breakfast and we have to go to the beach today remember?." She waited for a bit, as if giving me a little time to think about what she just said. Of course I remembered, that we were supposed to go to the beach today and I also knew that Mrs Anderson, the kind old lady made breakfast. She's been the one doing all of the work since we got here. She said it was her job as the caretaker of the house.

"You are going to make us late." Anna moved from side to side, eliciting another groan from me.

"What's the time Anna?" My words sounded muffled as they were blocked by the bed.

"I don't know, I just know that I ate breakfast sinceeee and daddy is awake too." I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. Of course, her father was awake, that man was an early bird and it was sickening, knowing just how highly functional he was, no matter the time of day.

"Fine, get off." I instructed her ad she eagerly complied. Although I had planned on actually getting up, it proved really difficult so I thought of laying there for a while. My thoughts did not go as planned.


"I'm up, I'm up." I sat up from my bed and then o my feet, stomping my feet on the ground like that was going to get the sleep out of my system.

"I'm going to get ready Camy. Why don't you get ready for the beach too yes?" She looked reluctant to leave but eventually did after warning me with her eyes, that I dared not sleep.

Unlike her room, the room I chose downstairs had an ensuite bathroom, along with the walk-in closet so I didn't have to worry about going in and out of my room just to have my bath. I quickly had a shower, brushed my teeth and checked the other items on the list of my early morning routine. Next, I had to get dressed. I really didn't want to wear a bikini, but I knew how important this would have meant for Camille. When I had complained that I didn't have a bikini, she had Old Mrs. Anderson get one for me and a pair of trunks for her father. She was really excited about going to the beach ad I didn't want to do anything to hurt her feelings. Picking up the one-piece swim trunk that she got for me, I put on the material and not liking the way it hugged my body, I quickly put on the big vintage shirt that was lying around. It wasn't mine, but it was there with my bikini so I decided to just put it on.

I grabbed ahold of the sunscreen that Mrs Anderson also bought, the woman was an expert at shopping to be honest. In fact, she was an expert at apparently everything.

Just as I opened the door, I saw the little girl right in front of the doorpost, two mats in one arm and a beach ball in the other. She was bouncing on her feet, a big green on her face as she whisper yelled 'let's go.'

"I haven't eaten Camy." I stepped outside and shut the door behind us.

"You can eat later, it's just eight in the morning." She gave me a cheeky smile and when I squinted my eyes at her, she only widened her smile.

"I thought you didn't know the time? You woke me up so early girl." She only shrugged and began walking away.

We had a back and forth argument that made me feel like a little child but it didn't matter because I managed to convince her that I had to eat before going to the beach at the front of my house, not only for my tummy, but also because I didn't want Mrs. Anderson to feel bad.

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