Chapter 10

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The sun rays from outside the window shun into the room and burnt my lids, prompting me to wake up. I didn't want to wake up, but being suddenly aware of my surroundings, I did. It had been Mr. Evans's gracious smell that had me waking up in a jerk. The memories of last night flooded my head, and while I was thankful for what he did, I knew I had to get up and get out before he woke up. I stood up as quietly as possible and tiptoed to the door, nightmare or no nightmare I was going to avoid this man at all cost. I went to open the door, but found that it was locked. I frowned at the handle, I never locked my door; that was the only reason Mr. Evans could come into my room. It was then, he called my name from my bed. I turned so quickly, that someone else would have assumed that I had done something bad and was just caught red-handed.

"You've been avoiding me." He started walking towards me, as I moved to the door and I felt like I was going to melt away by the stare he was giving me.

"Hmm?" He got to me and held onto my cheek. I gulped, as I felt all of this was too intense.

" sir." He groaned out loud and my eyes widened in fear that I might have done something wrong.

"Don't you think that we should be on a first-name basis now?" I tilted my head to the side, wondering what he meant by that.

"We kissed Anna. You liked it as much as I did, you said so when you were drunk off your ass, now you act like you are oblivious." My mouth made an 'O' shape with the realization of what he meant, and then my heart tried to jump out of my chest, when it registered that he liked the kiss. Did it also mean that he liked me?

"Yes, I think I like you." That was not the response I was expecting, but it was something and that had me smiling.

"I'm tired of running." He pushed himself back and for a moment, I was scared that this was all a dream. "It's been three years since Mitchell left and I have been hung over her ever since, pushing myself deep into my work, and away from reality. I really want to give this a try, I want to give us a try." I nodded my head at him, having no words but awe for his confession. This was the moment that I had dreamt of all my life ever since that night Mr. Evans had helped me while I was sick and I had managed to see more than his cold side. I was happy, this was what I always wanted, even though I tried to hide all of my feelings away. Something came up in my mind that had my smile go away and Mr. Evans noticed right away.

"What?" His hands caressed my cheeks so gently, I thought I was glass. I began to wonder, who exactly would have thought of cheating on a man like this. He was so handsome and chivalrous and kind and someone thought it right to stomp on his heart. It was definitely her loss.

"What's wrong darling?" He questioned and I would have melted if not for the thoughts haunting my mind.

"What about Camille? How would she feel about this." His eyes filled with understanding and he gave me a smile.

"When the time comes, we'd cross that bridge, but for now, let's work on ourselves. Besides, she loves you so much, I doubt she'd have a problem with it." I gave him a nod and a smile, an action he took as an affirmative sign that I was ready to give this a chance. If only he knew that I was always ready. He didn't hesitate a bit before he slammed his lips on mine. This kiss was not as tender as the first, but it was better and I enjoyed every bit of it.

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