Chapter 7

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After taking my time to eat, and giving myself a much needed rest, it was finally time to go to the beach. It was 10 and I was sure that whatever it was her father had been doing, he was done with it. She had already gone to look for him in his room but he wasn't there, so we asked Mrs Anderson who told us that he was working on the porch. The information that he was working didn't phase Camy because she was so sure that he would drop his laptop in an instant to go to the beach. I on the other hand, I was not so sure about that. We went up to the porch, where Mr. Evans was seated in a bamboo chair, he had his signature look on. His hand was over his face in what looked like frustration, his laptop on his lap and his other hand this time held his glasses. It was a wonder we had not heard him shout at whoever the moron was on the phone. He was usually very vulgar when he yelled and his workers on the phone.

"Daddy?" His daughter approached him carefully, if walking on eggshells was explained, then it was probably what she was doing at that point.

"We were supposed to go to the beach today. Remember?" She questioned after he had not given her an answer.

"Can we go now?" He looked up at her and he honestly looked tired, making me feel bad for him.

"I'm sorry princess can we m..." He was interrupted by Camille and although he had not completed his words, I knew exactly what he was going to say.

'I'm sorry princess can we move this to tomorrow, I'm really busy." Those had been his exact words since the day after we got here and I knew even Mrs. Anderson was getting really tired of hearing them.

"No. You said that two days ago Daddy and we didn't go to the beach yesterday. You said that yesterday and now you don't want to go to the beach today. You even promised to paint me but you didn't. I don't want to stay here anymore, I. Want. To. Go. Home." She had already started crying, her cheeks were red and filled with tears and I just felt bad.

She took a few heavy breaths, ran back inside and I didn't hesitate to follow her. When I got to her room, she had her suitcase on the floor, and some of her belongings had been tossed roughly into it. She was sat on the floor, bawling her eyes out and her distraught state had tears rushing to my eyes. I went up to her, sat on the floor beside her and pulled her into my arms in an attempt to soothe her.

"Why does daddy not love me?" She asked and those words were enough to bring the tears down my eyes.

"Shh baby. Don't say that, your daddy loves you so much." I tried to pacify her.

"That's not true. Ever since mummy left, daddy doesn't love me anymore. I swear I didn't want mummy to go but she got angry at me all the time. That's why I wanted to stay with daddy instead. Is daddy angry at me because of that?" I didn't want to infer that her mother hit her, but it was just so blatant. I thought the divorce was just a case of cheating, but maybe it was more. I rocked her back and forth for about an hour, listening as her cries slowly subsided. I picked her up from the ground and laid her on the bed before clearing up her room.

When I stepped out of the room, I saw Mr. Evans sitting by the door, with red eyes. I wanted to blast off his head with venomous words, but I didn't. I might have gotten away with what I did days ago, but I wasn't sure if I repeated the same mistake, I would walk away with my job.

"She's asleep, sir." I muttered before attempting to walk away but he didn't let me.

"Come sit." He gestured to the empty space beside him, his voice was a groggy whisper. I never did think that a day would come when I would see him so distraught. As much as I was angry with him, I didn't think such an elegant man deserved to sit on the fall. I wanted to pull him up, give him a hug and tell him to follow my steps in his quest for change. I couldn't do anything so all I did was sit by him with a fast-beating heart.

"What do I do?" He questioned me and I couldn't stop myself from grabbing unto his hand.

"You know what to do, all you have to do is be there for her." I looked into his eyes and as his green orbs moved from up to down and side to side, I lost myself in them. We were quiet for a while, just staring before he blinked, successfully snapping the both of us out of whatever that was.

"I've spent all these years pushing her away, that I don't even know how to be there." He shook his head and I squeezed his hand.

"Why do you push her away?" I asked him. "You weren't the only one who suffered from the marriage and the divorce, she did too. So why?"

"I don't know, she looks so much like her mother and seeing her just hurts me." He whispered.

"Well not seeing you hurts her."

"I know, I know and I'm going to change, I'm going to be a better father." I looked at him, my brown eyes catching his orbs and I nodded my head.

"Good, you should." My eyes didn't leave his, once again enchanted by his green orbs. His eyes roamed my face and as they landed on my lips, I felt the urge to slam our lips together, but I couldn't so I settled on biting my lips. His eyes zeroed in on my lips and I quickly stopped biting them, leaving them half opened as I breathed through my mouth. He looked up at my eyes, and then down at my lips before he slowly began to lean in. It didn't take long for me to follow suit, and lean in it too. When we were only an inch from each other, he looked in my eyes as if asking for permission and what better way to grant permission than to go for it. That's what I did, I went for it, slamming my lips on his mouth and savoring every tiny moment of the kiss. I kissed Mr. Evans, and I regretted nothing.

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