Chapter 5

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I placed the suitcase on the bed, and we began unpacking and arranging all of her things. We hung her clothes in the closet, and also placed her shoes there. Her hair products and hairbrush, we arranged them on the dresser in front of the mirror along with her lotions and little earrings. Right in the middle of her fluffy pillows, we placed Mr. Snuggles, her trusted green dragon that helped her threw every nightmare even better than I did. By the time we were done, it was time for dinner and I didn't think there was anything in the house and if there was something to cook, there wasn't even enough time to whip up something edible for her tummy. After minutes of contemplating what to eat, Camy, with a little push from my side suggested we ate out. During our drive to the house, we had passed a pizza place and apparently, the wonderful smell of fresh pizza that wafted from the restaurant didn't only reach my nose, but it reached hers too.

We left her bed, and her room and began walking to her father's room. I didn't know if he would be okay with us knocking on his door, but it was only reasonable that we tried. Immediately we got there, Camy didn't waste anytime and knocked on the door like her life depended on it.

"Come in." We heard his low voice say from inside the room, and I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was probably not angry. She opened the door hurriedly and stepped inside.

"Daddy! Daddy!!" She ran to the man who had a laptop on his leg and glasses perched on his nose.

"Hey princess." He said lowly and my eyes widened; even if his eyes didn't leave his laptop, I still had to admit that I had never seen this side of him show to his daughter before.

"Can we go out for dinner? Please daddy. Please." She had her hands clamped together in front of her as she waited for her father's reply. He looked at me and then at her before staring back at his laptop.

"Yes honey. You and Anna can go eat out." Her smile went down for a bit before going up again, a little hope that her father merely misunderstood and would agree when she explained it all.

"No daddy." She whined, giggling rather awkwardly. "You have to come with us." He looked at her, closed his eyes and shook his head. That was enough to have Camy's smile turn upside down.

"I can't come honey. I have work today, how about some other time." He said nicely. At least this time, he wasn't being a rude jackass.

"Oh." Her voice was very quiet and the 'okay' that followed as she turned and walked out of the room was inaudible. She didn't even put up a fight, not one sine argument. It was like she was tired of her father letting her down. I honestly did think he was going to try but it seemed not to be so. The sound of a throat clearing brought me out of my thoughts, Camy had long walked away from the room.

"Do you need help with anything?" He asked and as the words registered in my head, I couldn't help but look him from head to toe in admiration. Even though he wasn't the best father, I still acknowledged the fact that he was on handsome man and I had huge feelings for him. For a man in his early thirties, he sure did look hot. His muscles were moderate but the t-shirt he wore had them bulging out and I could swear I saw...

"Anna." I only realised then that he called me by name, something he never did. He was always so formal and stuck to calling me Miss Smith.

"Hmm." I blinked repeatedly, not quite sure what just happened to me. I was openly checking out my boss and if he noticed it, he sure had a wonderful way of hiding it. Even with the smirk on his face, I wasn't sure what was going on in his mind.

"Do you need anything?" He asked again and I found myself stuttering over my words, as I attempted to think of a good enough lie.

"Uhm... uhmm. Well... sir... I just wanted to ask where my room was." I didn't technically lie, as I planned to ask him that eventually. What really was in my head to say though was something between you are a shitty father and you are really hot.

He raised his eyebrow at my reply before giving me an answer, almost like he knew I was full of shit.

"Choose any free room you want." His eyes lingered on me for a little bit before he focused them on the laptop.

"Yes sir." And that was how he managed to dismiss both me and his daughter.

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