The Misunderstanding

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Akaza had spent about an hour with Rui, they hunted and fought many slayers together. They had fun and bonded like siblings (siblings who actually get along that is.) would. Eventually, Rui had to go home to an empty house back at his mountain. He'd have to find a new family. Akaza walked him home. "Are you sure you cannot just become my older brother?" Rui asked. "Or even Father." He added. "As much as I want to, I got my own duties to do." Akaza said and ruffled Rui's head. "Go kill some Slayers for me" Akaza grinned. Rui smiled and nodded. "I will" Rui said, smiling before he walked into the broken up house. Akaza watched before he walked off. He walked down the mountain as he stared up at the sky at the full moon, it was at its highest point, he'd get only 4 hours until the sun would start to rise. Douma's shrine was the closest so he figure he'd go there instead of risking getting burned alive trying to find another place.

Akaza walked down the hill and headed towards his destination. He got distracted by a couple of times but immediately put his mind on track. It took him about 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there. A little longer than he expected. Akaza stopped at the back door and sighed before he slid the door open and walked in. He shut the door behind himself. It was 1 hour and 30 minutes until sunrise. He leaned against the door and stood there for a moment staring at the wall. Thoughts raced through my head, I stayed zoned out for a couple minutes before I snapped out of it. I pushed myself away from the door and started to look around for him, he wasn't in the worship area. I looked around in some of his other rooms as well, he was no where to be seen. "Is he in his room?" Akaza muttered to himself as he wandered. "I swear, if he isn't even here, I'm going to trash the place" Akaza grumbled. He grabbed onto the door and slide the door open with much force it almost broke. "DOUMA YOU IN HERE?!" Akaza yelled before he laid his eyes on the blonde. Douma flinched and turned and looked at Akaza. "Akaza?- what the hell-... why are you screaming" Douma asked. "Well I got annoyed, I couldn't find you. I was this close to trashing the place. A small part of me wanted to though" Akaza said huffing. "Well, thank you for not that. We can cu-" Douma said before he remembered what akaza said earlier. He stood up and walked over to akaza. The pinkette just looked up at him, unbothered. The blonde grabbed onto Akaza's wrist, pulling him closer, he reached over and slid the door shut immediately, locking it. Akaza froze, what was going on?... Douma wasn't in his usual cheerful mood. He was usually like 'Cuddle me! Kiss me! Akazaaaaa' or something like that but instead he was silent and had a serious look on his face. This slightly scared Akaza. "U-uh Douma? Is something wr-" Akaza said before he was pushed down onto the bed. the blonde climbed up on top of the pinkette soon after. {Douma would have had a futon but the people didn't think It was fit enough for him to sleep on the ground} "h-huh?! Douma what are you doing?" Akaza asked, his cheeks were bright red already. The blonde didn't respond. Akaza swung his hand to hit him but the taller male grabbed onto pinkette's wrist and forced it back down, grabbing Akaza's other wrist. Douma used his left leg to hold down Akaza's legs as well. "D-douma?!" Akaza asked, he was flustered but he began to get pissed. "You're mine, Akaza, only mine. No one else's" Douma said. "Yeah? And? I don't get your problem" Akaza said, staring up at him. Akaza tried to break free but for some reason, he couldn't. Where was all his strength coming from? "Sometimes you really piss me off... that attitude of yours towards me gets on my nerves, and how you can freely mess around with others and say things. It's hard to stay quiet about it." Douma said. Akaza just stared up at him. Douma was really feeling emotions. "Therefore... I shall punish you" Douma said as he let go of Akaza's wrist and began stripping Akaza. The pinkette struggled, trying to evade it. "D-Douma?!" Akaza did his best to stop him but in the end, it ended up with Akaza shirtless and the rope off of his pants, his pants were very baggy so if he stood up, they'd fall down. Douma was also shirtless, he was about to undo his belt. Akaza was breathing heavily, his knee was on Douma's chest, to keep him from getting closer. 'I'm not ready to lose my virginity' Akaza thought. "What exactly are you mad about, Douma?" Akaza asked, looking up at him. Douma unbuckled his belt and slipped it from its loops before he tossed it aside. "I can be the only one you love," Douma said, finally speaking. "What are you talking about, you a-" Akaza said before he stopped and remembered what he said to Rui. 'Shit, Douma heard that didn't he' Akaza thought. He sighed. "Look, I don't know what exactly you're mad about, but you're the only person who I love romantically." Akaza said. Douma froze and stared at him. "There is a thing called platonic love. Like you can love someone platonically but not want to date them." Akaza admitted. Douma's serious face faded away. "S-so you still love me," Douma said, having a childish look. "Of course I do. I don't get what got you so pissed." Akaza said. "B-but you told Rui you loved him" Douma pouted. "Like a brother you dumbass." Akaza said, getting slightly annoyed. "Like- a brother?" Douma said. "Yes," Akaza sighed. Douma slipped his hands under akaza and hugged him, glad that Akaza didn't have feelings for other men. Akaza slid his knee down and relaxed. Douma laid his head down on Akaza's shoulder, though he was still hovering slightly above Akaza. "Can we still fuck?..." Douma asked. Akaza froze, his cheeks heating up, immediately turning a dark crimson. "No" Akaza huffed as he looked away. "Not after you tried to force yourself into me" He added. "Aww man," Douma whined.

"Cuddles?" He asked. "Fine-" Akaza said. "Yayy!" Douma's pout disappeared and faded into and happy excited expression. Akaza watched as Douma's expression changed dramatically in a couple of seconds. Douma turned and pulled his lover closer to him, now spooning him. Akaza gripped onto his pants so they'd stayed up, well because Douma pulled the rope off. He slipped his hands up and held onto Douma's arms. He smiled slightly as Douma nestled his face into the crook of the other's neck, kissing it once before squeezing him slightly. "I really love you, Akaza, With all my heart," Douma whispered, though Akaza could hear it loud and clear. Akaza's smile got wider. "I love you too, Douma," Akaza said under his breath as he closed his eyes, slowly drifting into slumber.

~To Be Continued~

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