Dropping Like Flies...

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Another Kizuki meeting... 

There are only 6 of us left.







It's all because of that DAMNED Hanafuda earrings snot-nosed slayer.  Ever since he showed up... we've been Dropping Like Flies...

Muzan is pissed... His angry lecture had lasted 2 hours already. It's still going on. I don't know how much more I can take...

I had to keep kicking Douma so he'd pay attention.... his attention span is shorter than a fruit fly, I swear to god... 

The meeting went on for another 1 hour but it mostly felt like Muzan went after akaza for not being able to find some flower that probably did not exist. Akaza just knelt there, staring at the floor as Muzan left. Akaza gripped onto his pants, frustrated with himself. Muzan's words were getting to him...

Douma walked over and put his hand on Akaza's shoulder causing the shorter male to shiver. "G-Get your cold ass hands off me-" he hissed, not quite in the mood. "Oh?~ Moody Much" Douma giggled as he pulled his lover up to his feet. "C'mon~ let's go get something to eat, you'll feel better!~" Douma said

Akaza sighed. "Douma, I'm not hungry, quite frankly... I don't wabnt to talk to anyone right now..." He said. "I'll give you attention later" Akaza turned away. The blonde pouted. "I'm going out." The shorter demon muttered. "I'll come wit-" douma said before he was cut off. "No!- I'm going alone." Akaza said as he walked off. "but..." douma stood there as he watched his lover walk off. 

Akaza left the infinity castle and wandered the woods. "Blue spider lily... how the fuck do I even find that..." he muttered. "If I don't get slain by a slayer... muzan will" he sighed. "though... I think I was a bit too hard on Douma..."

He sighed. "Why can't i just find that damn flower... No... distractions..." Akaza said as he ran up the hill. "let's... see if I was a magical blue flower.... where would I be..." He muttered. "damn... im so goddamn hungry... I should have accepted Douma's request..." He glanced around. "maybe... a little snack wouldn't hurt..." Akaza slid down the hill and headed in a random direction. 

Akaza eventually stumbled upon a low-level demon slayer... it was a male.... 


Akaza noticed he was drooling slightly... like a starving wolf. Akaza bolted at the slayer and punched the shit out of the slayer, demolishing his head in seconds. He breathed heavily, like he was going to go feral if he didn't eat. Akaza ripped off the arm and started eating like it was going to disappear in seconds

{Warning, This part contains Smut. If uncomfortable, You can skip.}

For the rest of the night, Akaza wandered the forest looking for the stupid flower which probably will be the death of him if he doesn't find it, but he was becoming short on time...

Akaza looked up at the sky... "damn it... well... might as well go apologize to Douma since his stupid cult is closest..."

Akaza started walking in the direction of Douma's cult. It wasn't a far walk but it felt long. Though, he felt like something was going to happen if he walked through those doors. he reached forward, about to grab onto the door but he hesitated.

"...maybe tomorrow?..." he said before the sun started to burn his ankles. "EUgh-" he slid the door open immediately and shut it behind him. He sighed. 

"Akaza?... What are you doing in here?" Douma said, appearing next to Akaza. "Holy-" the Pinkette said, stumbling. He frowned. "What do you think?- I had nowhere else to go, otherwise I'd get burned alive." he sighed. "That's a valid reason... but usually when you're mad, you use caves instead." Douma replied... "Yeah, about that.... I wanted to apologize. This is not an every time thing so do not get used to it... I want to apologize for yelling at you earlier... I was frustrated but i shouldn't have shut you down like that..." he said, looking away.

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