Chapter 1

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    Closing of the diner for the night is one of the best feelings in the world. Having something that I can return to, a reason to stay in Mondstat, but... was it truly enough to convince them that I should stay? Nah, I shouldn't think about it, right?

    Ok not like standing around and doing nothing, but thinking depressing thoughts isn't helping anyone, so I'll just go home. 'OH SHIT' Diluc closing Angels Share at the same time, that's unexpected. Usually it's still in business till at least midnight. So what could he be up to?

"Hello there little missy"

A voice echoed behind me.


  As I turned around I saw Kaeya 'that bastard', was he trying to scare me half to death?!

"What do you think you're doing sneaking up to people like that!"

  I asked him harshly, yet quitely not to disturb the surounding people.

"Well little missy, in this situation, I wasn't the one sneaking up to anyone! -he smirked - You where just to busy spying to notice someone coming up to you"

  He told me while pointing at Diluc.

"Why are you avoiding him anyway? Did he do something or is it just cuz you hate him?"

"'s just..."

  How was I supposed to explain to this ass that somethings wrong, without saying it's wrong, and making him worry. He might know what's up, but what if he doesn't, and I fuck up by saying anything. Let's try playing it safe.

"Sooooo.. what's up with you this evening?"

  I managed to say in the voice I usually use for tricky customers while mustering a smile with the last remaining bit of energy I had of a full day of work.

"Well, this is a strange turn of events, you sound like a different person"

  He told me while smiling. Then a moment later he leaned against the wall pining me against it and whispered.

" Have you fallen for me already?"

  I could feel my face burning up. What the hell should I say?! Should I agree or say something else? Think Y/n THINK!

" So does the silence mean yes?"

  I'll admit, his voice sounded tempting, but to hell he goes, he's an ass, and I am not about to deal with his bullshit, especially not the flirting.


  Suddenly, even the air around us became incredibly still 'Did..DID I RAELLY JUST SAY THAT !?!' I just dug myself an even bigger hole, why, why ,why?! I just told this ass that I am in love with his brother! The definition of the saying 'heart as cold as ice'.

" You... what?"

" Y-you heard me. I'm totally head over heels in love with.. You know.. "

"Go on, cuz I think I heard it wrong the first time"

" I-I really like Diluc, so what?"

  I turned away from his gaze, knowing that my face is probably as red as Dilucs blazing, fiery hair, if not worse.

"I'm sorry, but I must go now and.... Please don't tell anyone about this. I prefer to keep it a secret"

  Cuz there is no way that's actually true, I'll just wait till he forgets it. Damn, I hope he's an idiot and forgets quickly.

  I didn't wait for an answer and started running in the direction of my home. While running, I forgot to look ahead and bumped into something, or.. someone.

"You ok?"

  'Holy shit, was I hearing it right?!' Then I looked up and saw it was frickin Diluc!

A reason to stay/ Genshin impact/ Diluc x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now