Chapter 8

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  Damn, how can it be this hard to talk about, I've spilled my guts about how I like a guy in the past, but why does this seem so different.

"Ok so... I really like this guy..."

"Come on Y/n do by shy~"

"Yeah it's just a name"

  'Why me...'. This feels less like telling your friends about a crush and more like an interrogation.

" So I really really like Diluc and..."

"Oh my~ that must have been fun then having him right on to of you wasn't it"

   My mind went to the image of him right above me and I could tell how red my face was, not just red it was burning and that made all the girls lough a bit, even Jean, the one who had a serious poker face though the whole conversation up till this point.

" Don't be embarrassed sweetheart, everyone likes someone and it's different for ever individual person"

" Even if he is grumpy"

" He's been smiling a lot lately though"

"Yeah I noticed that too, wonder what's up"


"Oh, sorry Y/n, guess this topic makes you nervous, doesn't it"

" It's alright Lisa, you all continue... I'll go out for some fresh air"

  As I satred walking towards the door that let to the outside I could hear a faint bit of the conversation. Apparently Jean wanted to come along, but Rosaria told her to stay put. Honestly I'm thankful for it, even though I wanted to hang out with them, what happened just moments ago makes me want to be alone for a while.

  Some time passes since I went outside and I'm glad no one bothered me, it helped me collect myself faster and be able to join the girls once again.

  As I was walking back to the table the girls were at, my eyes instinctively avoided the bar as to not see the read head and become a blushing mess once again.

"Y/n your back"

  Amber exclaimed excitedly, while hugging me slightly. This was nice. Now all I needed to do, is find a topic that is not anyone's love life and it will all be good.

" So~ while you were away, we all talked about this crush of yours and decided on something"

"Somehow, I'm scared of where this conversation is going"

" Don't worry about it, have a drink and relax"

" Thanks Rosa, but I don't want to bother you to much, since I'm a lightweight, you know"

"It's the weekend, who cares"

" Fine. Now tell me about this desigion of yours"

"So all of us decide to help you got together with Diluc, if you'll accept the help, of course"

" I might just actually need that drink"

" Come on. It will be fun"

"Ok, ok, do whatever, as long as it doesn't require me to do something stupid"

" Of course not, give it about a week and you'll have him all to yourself"

  Well they can try, but I doubt he'd go for me at all,  I'll just enjoy the evening and the wine ...

~The next day ~

  I woke up in a unfamiliar place, wearing someone clothing. 'What the hell did I do!?'.

   After looking around the room and examining the clothes', I came to the conclusion, that I was at Dawn winery. I've never actually been here, but know all the gossip around town and having seen the place from the outside, it wasn't difficult to make the connection.

  But the question still remains 'what the hell happened last night!!!' the girls said they'll look after me and now, I wake up the next morning in the house of my crush of all places. Wait.... IS THIS ONE OF THERE PLANS TO GET US TWO TOGETHER!

   As I was debating all of this with myself, I failed to notice that someone had entered the room. Only know they did, after a warm hand touched my shoulder. The surprise made me jump backwards and since I woke up just moments ago, I almost landed on my back. Luckily, he caught me before I was even close.

"G-Good morning"

"You should sleep some more,Y/n"


"You got a bit too drunk yesterday, I suggest you sleep for longer, but before that drink a glass of water"

" Um...can you please explain what I'm doing here and how I got here?"

" I will tell you everything later, for now, just rest"

" W-what, what about my clothes"

  It's was embarrassing to think about what could have happened, but the worst part right now was that I wearing his shirt. This was akward, but what if it's connected to something weird I did last night.

" Oh, don't worry, I didn't touch you"

  That just made my face go read and when I looked up his checks also had a hint of red.

" No, no, it's fine if you did, I just thought I did something and..."

   Now we were both as red as tomatoes 'DID I JUST TELL HIM OT WAS FINE TO GROPE ME!!' what was I thinking.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. Not that I think you'd do it, but... Sorry I think the alcohol is still affecting me, at least a bit"

" It's alright, but before you go and rest I suggest you actually change into clean clothes"

  Only after he mentioned it did i notice, I was still wearing my dress underneath the shirt, which once again made me blush, since if I had noticed this even a bit earlyer, the whole akward and embarrassing conversation now would not have happened.

" I'm sorry, I'm such a dumbass. Here you are taking care of me and being all nice and her I am assuming things"

" No, you don't have to be, it's alright to be cautious"

   After a little while of Diluc comforting me, I finally listened to his advice, changed into some clean clothes and went back to sleep for a while longer. Almost as soon as I closed my eyes I drifted back to sleep, but not before his warm hand took mine and comforted me, until I fell back into a deep sleep.

A reason to stay/ Genshin impact/ Diluc x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now