Chapter 3

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Dilucs pov:

  She ran away before I could even finish the sentence. I'll admit she was the last person I expected to call me handsome. I have heard other women say that but this was unexpected.

"Hello, dear brother of mine"

  Kaeya that anoying bastard. If he was hear why didn't he do anything with Y/n was being harassed. Or was he...

"So what did you and Y/n chat about?"

"Oh nothing much. Why? You jelly?"

  The stupid smile on his face tempted me to punch him in the face but now was not the time.

"No, you see, I just finished talking to her and she mentioned being harassed. Mind explaining"

"And that's my sign to leave. Bye"

  Before I could land a hit he was gone. Bastard. Well never mind that there's another matter at hand. If he was the one harassing her then... How do I tell her that I don't see her in that way and not make her cry. Even if she didn't show it much she was sensitive as hell. What should I do.

"Awwww it's closed this early"

  That anoying voice. Venti and with is is that Zhongli?

"OH, Diluc you're here! Might you be interested in joining Zhongli and I for a drink?"


  Shock on there faces. Not surprising.

"Normally i would have said 'no' but this time i believe your presence can be useful"

"Well whatever the case LET'S GO!"

"Well let's go to Angels Share if you don't mind opening it up"

-10 minutes later-

  There was a drink in my hand. I hate alcohol but in this situation i might as well.

"Well then. You mentioned something about being useful to you this evening"

Zhongli spoke up after a sip of his wine.

"What we're about to discuss will not be mentioned after the conversation and if you're helpful drink's on the house"

Hopefully they're at least helpful in a situation such as this.

Third persons pov:

Venti smiled a bright wide smile to the great deal of not having to pay.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to be a bit more serious this time around~"

He joked around, yet became more serious to match the vibe Diluc was giving off, despite it being out of his character and comfort zone.

"Well then shall we start converting?"

Zhonglis calm voice broke Ventis louger. Akward, though it may be neither of them hurried to talk or do anything for that matter that waited for Diluc to start this unexpected get-together.

"An extremely complicated situation happened not to long before the both of you showed up, so I'll need some good advice on what to do moving forward"

"Well please explain so that we might have a better understanding and be able to help"

Zhongli was the one talking. Venti simply listened and both of the other men assumed that's all he will be doing this evening. Free wine is free wine, no matter what is you have to do to get it.

"Today I found out a certain girl likes me and normaly I would just shoot her advances down, but this particular person, I don't want to hurt again, and I have no idea how to go around it. Not to mention, Kaeya might make the situation worse for her by telling other's or just simply teezing her"

"Just out of curiosity how where you going to handle the situation if we didn't show up?"

Venti spoke up. Since it was truly interesting as to what this cold hearted person would do to 'not hurt someone's feelings'

"Probably confront her, but I might not have knew if she hadn't ran away"

"She ran... hahahahaha! she must hate you not like you then!"

Venti started joking cuz who was he of not a comedian.

"If she didn't tell you anything how do you know about it?"


"Well then. He might have just been joking around with you. To see if you'd react in any way"

"For one she was the one who sayed she was in love Kaeya was only the last clue to figure it all out "

"How come"

Venti chimed in again

"Sigh... after Kaeya as she called it 'harased' her which was mostly likely just him tezing her she she shouted being In love with his brother, that being me, and if not for that bastard showing up and more or less confirming it all I'd probably be oblivious as to who she liked in the first place"

"Well that's quite the situation you got yourself into. So you're telling us all of this to help you find a compromise as to where you do not feel guilty and she does not feel sad. Is that correct?"

" Pretty much "

"If the lady in question does not know that you know and hasn't told anything to you, it's probably going to work out best if you'd stay quiet and keep this information to yourself until she naturally forgets about her own feeling"

"And if she says anything about it herself. I'll just end up hurting her again"

"Then why not just date her?"

Venti once again jumped into the conversation asking the questions that Diluc wanted to hear the least.

"The point of this conversation is to help me figure out how to avoid that"

"And what if the opposite happens? She's not the first girl to ask and if I do end up using this plan she'd be the first i ever dated don't you think that even a little bit suspicious"

"Though it was a good idea Venti i don't think it would fit with Dilucs personally. She might start thinking that he actually does like her just doesn't show it. Undurstand."

"Yeah makes sense "

"Now that i think about it. Curiosity got the best of me, might you be able to tell what you mean by 'I don't want to hurt her again '?"

"It's a long story you sure you want to hear it?"

"It might help us undurstand in what way and exactly how and why you don't want to hurt her and that might help us come up with a compromise to the current situation"

"Fine but be prepared it's not a short story"

"Yeah, yeah you already told us that now go on this is getting interesting"

" Fine. So what happened was...."

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