Chapter 26

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" Wait no no no , you can't"

" And why not"

     He was smiling, but judging from his tone and taking a better look at his expression it wasn't a friendly smile. In truth I didn't know why i told him he couldn't, the bastard deserved to die but...

" I just don't want you to get hurt. Or worse"

     With that his smile softened and he put a finger under my chin using it to make me look him in the eye. It was a simple action, but it made butterflies appear in my stomach.

" How cute. You working about my safety, but still if he just comes near you or says something dumb his heads flying"

" Diluc!"

" What, not like you care"

" True, but you're telling me about killing someone. Think about it what if his underlings want revenge or something, even worse if dad gets mad about it. What then"

" Fair point, but my statement still stands"

        Dummy why does he have to be so so

"So cute"
     I only realize that I SAID OT OUT LOUD after his face mached his hair.

     In an attempt to avoid an akward situation I decided to run somewhere else. My stupid ass brain of course decided to forget how to function like a human and while running my foot hit the bottom of the doorframe and I planned my face into the wall in front. Lucky it was wooden.

( Yes Y/n still gets flustered and clumsy, it's a thing)

       I could hear the faint sound of him trying his best not to lough, but him trying to hide it just made it worse.

" Y/n, you know that what you said is considered a normal thing for people in relationships or did you forget"

" Trust me, I know. That doesn't mean I'll stop having a crush on you just because we're together"

     I hadn't even notice how we ended up right a to back door of Angels share, being lost in how the way the corners of Dilucs eye's sightly crinkled when he smiled slightly more then he normally would.

      Nor did I question anything when he invited me for a midnight stroll though Mondstat. His hand gently holding mine was so warm, that not even the chilly night breeze could make me shiver.

      Just being with him like this was as if I was in a candle lighting room wrapped up in a warm blanket with the most interesting book one could find. It felt so safe and peaceful with no need for small talk.

"Can I ask you something?"

       Diluc decided to fill the silence after we walked all the way to the cathedral.

" Want is it?"

" What were you planning to do when you left, I mean i knew about the plan and all but.....what if it didn't work?"

" Sigh, I have the answer, but you're not going to like it"

" Humor me"

" Never took you for the humorous tipe, but fine"

         I took a deep breath, all I could do now is hope he doesn't get mad about it. One deep breath in and

" I would have ended up is Celestia"

         Regret washed over as soon as I got one good look at his face, he looked almost panicked,as it it had already happened as if it was going to happen. How I hated that, no matter what situation I refused to lie to this man


" Wa-"

" NO!"

"Diluc calm down, everythings ok"

" Don't you DARE say that ever again!"

          He held me in place by the shoulders in such a way that I couldn't run away even if I wanted to.

" Y/n, please promise me you won't think about that happening ever again. Not now, not ever"

" I might not be able to keep that promise..."

           Though it was hurting him, I could see that, he had to hear the truth. Who in there right mind would choose living as basically a slave away for the one you love over death at that point. Though I'm probably the only crazy one to think that.

            Diluc pulled me into a tight hug, there was a slight shaking in his body, almost as if he wanted to cry, but refused to.

" Would.... Would you also be content with me saying what you did if our roles were reversed"

           My blood ran cold, just that though gave me a panic attack worse then I'd had in quite a few years. The image now made it so much worse. Only after a while, when he managed to pull away, clearly not wanting to did I noticed the tear's streaming down, slowly but surely they were there.

          Before either of us could continue, there was a new presence that made themselves know. They were waking slowly clapping dramatically slow, as if any part of the conversation they overheard was funny.

           When I turned around to see who the person was I hadn't expect to pass out due to panic seeing that it was...

Hello, dear reader's, that unfortunately have to live with my unpredictable posting.

Since the next chapter is going to have a bit more description of action ( and my dumb ass needing to do a bit of genshin research) it might get delayed for a while ( might not, but who knows).

Hope your enjoying the story and not getting to tired of it dragging on for this long. Thank you for reading and have a nice morning/day/eaving OwO


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