Chapter 5

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"Huh? Oh this, I'm sorry it's just that you sounded mad and it kinda... happened"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry, but it was your own fault"

" Yes, I know, I'm sorry"

"You know it's open now so you can stay right?"

  She then suddenly froze, fear had taken her over.

"May I ask what time it is?"

" It's past one"

"Oh no. I'M LATE!"

Y/n ran to the door as fast as she could, but before she opened it, she turned around to face Diluc.

" I'll come back this time tomorrow! "

   And after opening the door and stepping foot outside, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, remembering something.

"Oh, and don't worry, I'll pay!"

    She shouted, but only loud enough so that only he could hear it properly. After that, she was gone running back to work with her face bright red, now finally grasping the situation and how stupid she was through out all of it.

~ The next day~

  As promised, Y/n returned to Angel's Share. Unexpectedly, Diluc was waiting of her behind the bar counter, something she truly didn't expect. Nonetheless, she was happy to see him there.

"So you really did wait"

"Did I have another choice?"

"Ok, you got me with that one. Sorry about yesterday, but I really did have to hurry"

   A soft smile painted her face, still guilty about the day before.

"I'll pay for yesterday, okay?"

  Diluc got angry after hearing the comment a bit more then usually.

"You're paying your way out of the situation, aren't you?"

He asked with his teeth grated.

" Oh, of course not! It just felt right, but for the trespassing, I'll do whatever you think would be right"

  Suddenly the thick air around them lightened and the expression on Dilucs face loosened.

"It's fine, just be more aware of your surroundings next time, and you don't have to pay so don't worry about it"

"I insist"

"I won't take it"

"We'll see about that"

  A soft giggle echoed though the bar.  Then Y/n walked over to the other side of the bar table close to where Diluc was, he didn't notice at first since he was prepping for the evening, but as soon as she cast a shadow he looked up and only then did he notice that she was just about ten centimeters away from his face.

"What the hell are you doing!"

  He sightly pushed her away from him, hidden his own embarrassment and trying to keep a straight face.

" I wasn't doing anything wrong"

  Her soft bubbly voice once again echoed.

"All I wanted was to ask you a simple question"

"Which is?"

"Can I come over here for lunch?"


"Well...cuz it's quiet, that's all"

"And why do you want to come over?"

"To read"

"Can't you do that in the library, or somewhere else for that matter?"

"I tried, but too bad it's either to far away from work to make it in time or to noisy, especially the library, and then I came across this place, and it's perfect!"

"So you want to come to read cuz no one is here for lunch?"


"Fine, but don't expect anything since I myself am on break"

"That's ok, I'll only be here to read anyway"

  And so she started coming over every day. Eventually, she and Diluc started talking about the thing's she was reading, neither of them even realizing when it happened, but it beacme normal for them.

  After about a month, Diluc even started joining Y/n in her corner to simply listen to her reading, since she started to do so to make it so that he knew the context of her book, together with small talk he had prepared coffee each and every time. Y/n tried paying every time, but it never worked out.

  And that was there peaceful world getting to know each other, bit by bit. Becoming friends.

  At some point, Y/n came with some coworkers for a drink and was noticed by Kaeya while casually chatting with Diluc about something mondaine they didn't finish during lunch. And after talking to Kaeya, she found out Diluc dislikes Cryo whielders whom he was one of.

    Knowing the information she was glad they hadn't told each other about there visions 'he might have hated me if he knew'.

  When the time came and he did ask, she told him it was Hydro. At the moment she didn't know, but that was a mistake.

  They continued to bond and started just meeting up to hang out. Then one day, Diluc and Y/n got asked to join a group of people to go on an adventure, and Y/n only realized that Diluc is going to be there when it was to late to back out. Long story short, she had to use her vision in front of him and he found out.

  On the trip back he didn't say anything just ignored everyone 'that seems like a normal reaction' Y/n though hoping he understands why she did what she did.

  Once back in Mondstat the situation got worse. Diluc simply started walking back to Dawn winery and Y/n chased after him.

"Hey! Diluc! ..wait a bit will you?"

He stopped.

"You lied."

He turned around visibly pissed off, but his voice was even while talking.

"I didn't mean to, it's just..."

"That doesn't change the fact that you did lie and for what purpose!"

  His voice wasn't even anymore. He was yelling loud enough, to alarm the people that had been standing not to far away from the gate's.

"I didn't want to. You see, I though you'd hate me.."

"And you thought I wouldn't if you lied!?"

"I-I'm sorry... can't we j-just talk.."

  Her voice was cracking cuz of the lump in her throat, eye's shining from the forming tears.

"You've done enough. I thought I could trust you, turns out your just another filthy traitor"

He started walking away.

"P-please! He said you'd hate me, I though I was doing the right thing!"

"Doesn't matter anymore, don't you dare show you'r face around me. Understand?"

"No... please "

He continued walking away, only thinking about the betrayal of the one person he decided to finally trust. Then he turned around and noticed Y/n on the ground, balling her eye's out with the faint sounds of "I'm sorry" while Amber was hugging her, and Jean trying to comfort her. After a moment, his and Jeans eyes met, and she didn't hide the hate she now had for the man. Y/n was a good friend of both her and Amber, and neither would forget how he hurt they'r friend over such a misunderstanding.

   They were both hurt by one another, but the things Diluc told her not even trying to understand hurt more than one might realize.

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