11~ Truth

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Walking down the hall to the elevator has never been so nerve racking.

It feels like everyone knows what just happened. Even though there's no way they do.

I make my way to the Seven's meeting room, the doors slowly opening in front of me.

The only one in is Homelander, god damn it. He's looking out the window, gloved hands clasped behind his back.

"Morning Scarlet," he says without turning around.

"Goodmorning Homelander," I take my seat as Deep and Noir walk in.

"We still haven't found those guys?" Deep whines, fear practically spilling from his mind.

"Stop worrying," Homelander turns around, his eyes go straight to me before he looks to Deep. "They're not supes."

'But they can kill supes..' I hear Noir's thoughts.

The rest of the team walks in, taking their seats and listening in on Deep's complaining.

"Shut up!" Homelander finally shouts, throwing his hands up in the air.

Deep goes silent, and I feel his embarrassment.

Homelander goes to say something else but stops. "You know what, I'm sure you all have missions to do. Dismissed."

As everyone is standing up, happy that the meeting was cut short, Madelyn walks in, her eyes trained on me.

"Scarlet, come with me please."

I get up without a word, glaring at her back as I follow her out the door.

I can tell Homelander is doing the same thing to me, as I feel his anger radiating towards me.

She brings me to her office, sitting down. I stay standing, my arms crossed over my chest.

"June," she purses her lips, "That is who I'm talking to right now, correct?"

"What?" I scoff.

"Jesus," she shakes her head, "I honestly didn't think it would get this bad."

I stare at her, unblinking. "Madelyn," my voice is low, "What are you talking about?"

"You killed quite a few of our soldiers yesterday. You also stole something from the lab. But I don't think you remember any of it, do you?."

"I didn't steal shit," I lie, "And I definitely wouldn't kill our own soldiers."

"The cameras down there say otherwise, but I suppose I shouldn't blame you."

"You know it would really help me out here if you just told me what's going on," I say, glaring at her.

She nods, studying me. "You deserve the truth I suppose."

I watch as she looks like shes in pain from having to tell me whatever this is.

"Your V10 treatments were perfect," she sighs, "At first. About a year ago you started randomly blacking out, doing things you wouldn't normally do, almost like there was someone in your ear giving you orders. You wouldn't respond to your own name, it was like you were a completely different person."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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