31-Baby,Sebastian Is Cold Inside

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After a long evening with two more numbers from each club and a lot of fun for every student at Dalton for the party, David and Trent decided to go upstairs to pack everything up so they could leave early the next day. Hunter didn't see a point in staying there so he did the same. Sebastian was now sitting on a couch almost asleep as Kurt and Nick were talking with each other. Blaine, Jeff and Wes were doing the same thing but sat on the edge of the stage but stopped when they saw the dean walk in the room.

"Hello,boys!" He greeted as he approached the three boys on the stage. "Aren't you guys gonna sing any more songs for tonight?"

"We're afraid so. I'm sorry." Wes politely said as he was standing up.

"It's a shame. Really." The Dean responded, disappointed that he wouldn't see his school's glee club in action.

"I'm sure we can come up with something. " Blaine exclaimed, also standing up and putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"That would be just great,Mr. Anderson!" The dean left to find a place to sit.

Blaine was still unsure of the efficacy of his idea but he was washed over with this mysterious confidence as he approached Kurt to whisper something in his ear.

Wes and Jeff abandoned the stage as Kurt and Blaine got up there. Each of them with their microphone. Blaine indicated something to Jeff and the blond boy quickly got to the person responsible for the sound management to request a certain song.

"I really can't stay (But, baby, it's cold outside)

I've got p go away (But, baby, it's cold outside)

This evening has been (Been hoping that you'd drop in)

So very nice (I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)..."

Jeff and Wes decided to go sit on the empty couch next to the other boys. Nick lightly waved to his boyfriend who gave him a wink.

"...The neighbors might think (Baby, it's bad out there)

Say, what's in this drink? (No cabs to be had out there)

I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)

To break the spell (I'll take your hat, your hair looks well)..."

Kurt couldn't explain how enjoyable this was. Beloved to perform. He always did but he never knew that it could be even better with the right people. He knew Blaine and his teammates were all good performers but something was different from them to this boy.

"...I simply must go (But, baby, it's cold outside)

The answer is no (But, baby, it's cold outside)

This welcome has been (How lucky that you dropped in)

So nice and warm (Look out the window at that storm)..."

Blaine didn't even need to come to a conclusion about this. He didn't want to. He just liked to sing with Kurt. To be with him. Like there always was this unknown energy pulling him towards this boy.

"...My sister will be suspicious (Gosh, your lips look delicious)

My brother will be there at the door (Waves upon a tropical shore)

My maiden aunt's mind is vicious (Ooh, your lips are delicious)

But maybe just a cigarette more (Never such a blizzard before)..."

Sebastian has just snapped from his sleepy self and looked over to the stage. He clenched his teeth. How could that midget have the audacity to sing with MY boyfriend? He thought to himself as he started to roll his sleeves up.

"...There's bound to be talk tomorrow (Think about a lifelong sorrow)

At least there will be plenty implied (If you caught pneumonia and died)

I really can't stay (Get over that hold out)..."

Before both boys could realise Sebastian got up and paced furiously towards them. He demanded the music guy to stop the song.

"How dare you sing a flirty duet with him,Anderson?!" He yelled as he got closer and closer to the dark-haired boy.

Nick, Jeff and Wes heard that and made their way to the stage, perhaps too late.

"You're gonna regret this, little guy!" He clenched his teeth as he grabbed Blaine by the shirt.

"Smythe! Enough!" The dean's voice was heard behind him who just noticed the man's presence.The three boys sighed. Kurt took Blaine out of the tall boy's grap.

"I want you all in my office tomorrow by 9 am. I'm not tolerating this kind of rivalry in my school, understand?" The dean said looking particularly mad with Sebastian although the message was for all.

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