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"They are so into one another,Hunt!"

"Yeah,I know. But you didn't need to provoke them that hard." Hunter hit him on the shoulder playfully while the boy complained dramatically that it hurt. They were walking around the empty corridors.

"I dated Kurt and it's normal that I just want him to understand that love is punching him right in the face and Blaine is so "I need to think about everything all the time" that he forgets to actually do something about it."

"I knowwww!"Hunter said in a groan, "Do you think we can do anything about it?"

"I'm not so sure...but I know someone who definitely can!"Sebastian thought out loud.

"Nick and Jeff!" They screamed simultaneously. Hunter stepped in front of Sebastian and put his hands on the boy's shoulders so he would stop walking.

"Did they stay this weekend?" Sebastian asked.

"Either way. Wouldn't you prefer to talk with them on another day and enjoy the weekend?" Hunter suggested with a smirk and brought his boyfriend closer. Without any more words, they both knew what was the best way to enjoy their weekend as the meerkat showed he agreed with a kiss and took him by the hand to his dorm.


"Those two are idiots." Kurt complained, finally looking up.

"I know." Blaine chuckled "But Sebastian is getting better and Hunter seems happy!"

"Even though I don't truly believe in Sebastian, I have to admit that they look better together than me and Smythe." Kurt admitted,sitting up.

"Was that the reason that you guys broke up?" Blaine questioned carefully,searching for signals in Kurt's face that said that it was okay to talk about it.

"Let's just say that we weren't happy together and Sebastian found his happiness with someone else." The blue eyed boy explained briefly. This made Blaine think over his words for a few seconds but he didn't ask more because he saw that Kurt had already thought and felt enough over the matter. Kurt looked at the boy with big eyes. "Can you please hug me?"

"Come here,big guy!" Blaine opened his arms and Kurt let his head fall on his chest and curled up so he felt as embraced as possible. "Do you want to lay down?" He felt a nod on his chest so he leaned behind while the other one fell to his side not breaking them apart. Blaine only pulled him closer as their noses were touching.

"It was the first time I knew about you. You were singing that song on an empty corridor and I was mesmerised with your voice." Kurt moved a bit away to look into the boy's eyes. "I wanted to take a look at you but then my phone rang and I ran away before you thought I was stalking you or something." He finished with a chuckle from both of them.

"So you were the one with Last Friday Night by Katy Perry as the ringtone?" Kurt asked, trying not to laugh, and still remembering that day. Blaine mumbled a yes between laughs.

"Kurt..."He called. The boy looked at him waiting and gave him a sign that he had his attention. "...I never know how to start these things...it always seems that no matter how much time I spend thinking it over and over, when the time finally comes I forget everything. As surprising as it sounds, I think Hunter and Sebastian are right..."

"That's a phrase I never thought I would hear." The golden haired boy commented.

"...I shouldn't think or say something that the brain doesn't control..." Blaine stopped talking because of Kurt's cold hand moving a curl away from his face.

"Why don't you show me then?" Kurt was afraid of them not talking about the same thing.

The short one smiled looking at their hands that were tangled together. He placed each of the boy's hands on each side of his waist and then put his own on Kurt's back neck so he could bring them closer or feel Kurt move away in case they weren't on the same page. He searched for any refusing signs painted on Kurt's expression and as soon as he saw nothing but those beautiful eyes widening from anticipation. He leaned forward. They both leaned forward,for both's relief. Kurt's lips felt so new but familiar at the same time. A few wonderful long seconds went by and the curly haired one placed both hands over the other one's jawline and pulled him gently for air.

After a couple of deep breaths and nervous happy giggles Kurt concluded. "I think I just found my happiness."

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