Chapter 8: Pretty boy

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➺Nipple play
➺Rough sex
➺Dirty talk
➺Verbal humiliation


And it was at that moment that Pete was certain that he was the killer. Because what the man seemed to want to make sound like love was nothing more than possessiveness. And as valid as the defense's attempt was, there was no chance that this guy would walk out of there free. And his sister would also be indicted as an accomplice. The crime was clear and detailed in the boy's mind, who now shared Nara's desire for the guy's arrest. The doctor made it clear that the substance was only available in laboratories. His sister was a biomedical scientist and worked in one, and must have explained to her brother how to kill Jiwoo and not be a suspect. He went to her house and attacked her as soon as she opened the door, but got the amount of poison wrong and ended up leaving a huge clue behind.

When the lawyers defended their own thesis, Pete was proven correct. Vegas explained everything as concisely and cohesively as possible, without letting any important information escape, and every word he spoke made Jiwoo's mother and sister's crying even more intense. Pete never lost someone so important, but he couldn't imagine the pain it must have been to know that that person might be alive at that moment, if it hadn't been for an unfortunate person who interrupted his life so early. He was not a father, but he had a brother, and just the thought of living without Thankhun made his heart contract and hurt as if countless sharp daggers were piercing him.

The judge prepared to give her verdict after hearing both sides, and all noise ceased, as did the breaths of those in the room in anticipation.

"In view of all that has been presented, this court finds the defendant Lee Chanyeol..." She looked at the man she was addressing, and Nara reached for Pete's arm, squeezing tightly. "...guilty of the murder of An Jiwoo. And Lee Chaeyong shall answer for the crime of omission and for acting as an accomplice in conjunction with her brother."

Everyone seemed to sigh at the same time. Pete released the air through his mouth, and smiled knowing that a little justice was given to that family. Jiwoo's mother and sister hugged each other, sobbing together as they were wrapped around the mother's husband. Searching for Vegas, Pete noticed when his shoulders relaxed and he too let out a sharp breath of air through his lips, looking back. At Pete. They both smiled. The judge continued to inform him what sentence the defendant and his sister would suffer, but the boy didn't listen completely. Lost in his own thoughts, Pete imagined himself as the one who could help seemingly lost causes, and who could bring at least a little relief to someone by putting a criminal in jail. He imagined himself gathering the evidence and arguments, and defending an innocent man in front of the entire court. Good anxiety, the kind that energizes like seven small cups of coffee when swallowed, spread through Pete's body, and made him smile even more. After seven months of theory classes and some doubts about his chosen path, he was finally sure that it was the right one. He didn't want to give up and try something else, because he could see a future in law.

And as he looked to the side and back, on the faces of the students around him, and especially on those of his friends, there was the same expression that Pete knew he carried: pride for his profession.

The trial came to an end. The defendant left the place in handcuffs, as did his sister. Slowly, the students and other individuals present left, ready to go home after saying goodbye to the teacher. Already outside the building, under the darkened sky Pete saw Vegas bid farewell to the family he accompanied at the trial, who bowed in gratitude for his service. It was only after they had left that the boy approached him.

"Not bad, Vegas."

Turning to him, the man smiled, showing dimples and straight teeth.

"That was better than I thought."

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