Chapter 21: Can you trust me pt. 2

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1: In Greek mythology, Atlas is a titan who was condemned by Zeus to hold the weight of the heavens on his shoulders for eternity.

2: I'm so so sorry for the really late update, my computer died from like viruses and shit I've been saving up for a new one but ya'll have been on my neck for no updating so I felt bad, so here I am at the public library writing porn for ya'll

3: If there are any name changes I'm sorry I wrote this story on ao3 with different characters and since I was in a rush to update this, I apologize in advance.

Thank you for sticking with me all this time,

- I love you guys so much.


The hospital was cold, and every attempt to make it a little more comfortable and cozy had the opposite effect. And the figure of Big who directed his gaze down one of the building's many corridors was clearly exhausted. He was leaving the room his grandfather was in, and his mouth smiled, but his eyes did not. But he looked surprised.

Pete held up the bag he was carrying, "Hungry?"

Big's shoulders slumped, and seeing someone who on ordinary days is able to fill any room with his animated, comical energy like that was not the least bit pleasant.

"Do you realize how bad the food here is?" He questioned, gladly accepting the bag and opening it to check what was inside. He took a deep breath, and rolled his eyes theatrically. "Smells like heaven."

Pete smiled.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Things are a little complicated at college." And at home, he wanted to add, but kept to himself. Big already had too much to worry about.

"Hey, it's not your obligation to come," he said, and touched Pete's shoulder. "But it's nice to have someone to talk to. Especially when that someone brings food."

Pete's laugh was nothing more than a short breath. "How is he?"

"Let's get out of here. I can't stand the smell of this place." Big gave his shoulder a weak slap, and pointed down the hall.

Pete didn't like hospitals either. In his school days he used to accompany Tankhun on his visits to his mother whenever he could after school, since the hospital where she works is not far from their old school. They were always scolded by her, but in the end they earned a few coins to buy popsicles on their way back.

But even with the small reward, hospitals always gave Pete the creeps. Hope and death mingled through the walls and corridors, and he never knew what he could expect there. For some it would be the last place they would ever see. At times it felt like a prison of troubled souls, suffering with pain and the certainty of human finitude.

In the cafeteria space, they sat close together at a table, and soon Big had his cheeks stuffed with food. He offered it to Pete, who refused and just watched him eat in silence. At least Big had a clean appearance and clean clothes, which meant he was sleeping in his house.

"From what the doctors say his situation isn't the worst," he said, as soon as he chewed the last portion of food and took a long sip of coffee. "He's not on the verge of death, seems complicated. Grandpa is old and sick, Pete. That's never a good combination."

"But he was released last week."

"And here we are again." Big sighed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "He can't die."

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