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Miranda was leaving the hospital late at night and she walked to the parking lot. She was tired as hell and wanted to just lay down.

Tucker was stressing her out and pissing her off with this divorce process.

Walking to her car Miranda heard car tires screech and she heard groaning and coughing. She looked around and between two cars, she saw a man laying on the ground.

Miranda ran over to him and she got down dropping to her knees. "Oh my God sir are you alright?" She asked looking for the signs to see if he was injured.

Miranda saw the blood on his shirt and she tried to see where he was hurt at.

She lifted his shirt and saw the exit wound of a gun shot. "Shit." She cursed. Miranda took her scarf off and she put it over the bullet hole. She then thought quickly and came out of her shirt. Leaving her in a tank top as cold as it was, she continued to pack the other side.

Just then she saw the man raise his arm and point a gun behind her. "What the hell!" Miranda yelled as her eyes widen and she saw a man in black coming up behind her.

The stranger she was helping fired his weapon at the man shooting him quickly and Miranda watched as he fell to the ground,  the gun falling out of his hand.

"You killed him." She shrieked.

"He was going to kill us." He coughed.

"There is more coming we got to leave." He voiced urgently.

"More com- we!....There is no we!" She yelled tying the scarf around his wound extra tight.

Miranda heard more footsteps and she shrieked ducking as the unknown man started firing shots at cars.

"I told you they are coming." He spoke. "Here." He said handing her the gun.

"Oh no no. I'm not doing that."

"It's either killed or be killed...listen to me. Lay on the ground and watch their feet. When they get close fire." He instructed.

Miranda let tears fall as she laid down on the ground and saw the foot steps. She waited until he got close and she fired twice at his legs.

Miranda hollered at the gun firing and the kick back. She watched as the man fell holding his leg and started firing shots.

Miranda's eyes widen and big tears fell. Suddenly she heard one loud bang and the man laid flat against the ground, a bullet in his head. She covered her mouth to hold in her wail and then she gasped when someone tugged on her arm.

"Noooo." She cried looking back for the man she was helping.

"It's just me." He said loudly pulling her to her feet. Holding his stomach with one arm.

"Where's your car." He asked urgently.

"Sir we can't take my car. The police are going to come and they will think I killed them. I'm a doctor....I can't.”

"We can't take my car clearly they were following me."

"Better yet why don't we just go inside and call the police. They can help."

"No police." He barked.

"I'm going to loose my Job. This is my life." She voiced crying.

"Okay here." He said shoving her back some. He pulled the gun out and raised it to her head.

"No please don't kill me. I..." Miranda cried shaking as she raised her hands.

"Show me to your car and drive now." He ordered.

Miranda nodded walking over to her car quickly. He had the gun pointed at her until she was inside and he limped over.

"Drive." He commanded.

Miranda took off after backing out and pressed the gas. After driving fast she looked over at him as he put the gun down. "Drive like a normal person and I wasn't going to kill you either. I did that for the cameras. Tomorrow we will drive far out and you call the police station and tell them you've been kidnapped. You witnessed a drug deal gone bad and then rush off the phone like your kidnapper is coming back. This will save your job."

"You couldn't have told me that before you pointed a gun to my dam head." Miranda sneered.

"I'm sorry I needed an honest reaction, I-" He stopped talking clutching his stomach.

"You’re bleeding out. Hold on I'm going to get you to my apartment. I have a supplies there." Miranda said speeding.

She got to her apartment in less than five minutes and helped him out of the car. She walked with him up to her door and let him inside.

Miranda looked around trying to decide where she should place him. She then helped him to the guest room and laid him on the bed.

He was coughing badly as Miranda went into her closet pulling out all of her stuff. She brought a lamp over for light and got down on her knees close to him.

"This is going to hurt like hell but bare with me." Miranda voiced as she pressed the scalpel into his skin and started working to patch him up.

He groaned keeping his eyes closed before he eventually passed out from pain.

Miranda turned him on his side and started sewing him up. When she was finished she used her blood pressure cup and checked his blood pressure and pulse.

Satisfied she cleaned up all her utensils and things.

She went into the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth finding anti bacteria soap and a bucket under the sink as she filled it up with water.

Miranda sat and cleaned around his wound and body, she took in his chiseled abs and chest, admiring them. She then cleaned the blood off his face and applied Neosporin to his cuts, studying his handsome features.

After she was all done. She pulled the blanket up on him and left out the room.

Thinking about the events that just passed Miranda began to get paranoid. She walked back out side and drove her car down the street to the apartment complex down there. She didn't want anyone to find her car and know where they were.

She walked the mile back to her apartment and came inside and locked the door putting the chain lock on too. She closed all her windows and blinds before ultimately using all her strength to push her couch in front of the door.

"Miranda what the hell have you gotten yourself into." She mumbled. Her heart was racing and she was sure her blood pressure was through the roof.

It didn't take genius to know that who ever this man was, was involved in some shady stuff. This man carried two guns with him and even when shot himself he still managed to kill two people....With her help, Miranda cursed at herself internally. She knew that this was only the beginning.

Miranda walked back passed the door the man was in and she heard him groaning. She needed to get him some antibiotics and medicine for pain but she didn't know how she was going to do that.

Thinking for a while, she decided that she would go into the clinic before it opens up and get him some, but how would she be able to get in and out with out the cameras or being seen.

Miranda walked into her room and she shut the door. She took a shower and her mind raced as she washed up.

After she was finished, she dried off and lotion down before putting on her light pink night gown.

Miranda laid down but she couldn't fall asleep, she was restless.

The next morning Miranda only received an hour of sleep. She slipped into her slippers and walked into the kitchen making herself some coffee.

Miranda looked up when the man from last night limped into her kitchen.

"What are you doing? You are not supposed to be up." Miranda chastised.

She watched as he looked around and noticed the couch by her door. "You did this by yourself?" He questioned coughing a little.

"Well who the hell else would have? I don't know what the hell I got myself in to. Who is after you and now me. What went down in the parking lot. Who are you?" She yelled combing her hands through her hair.

He stood not knowing what to say, he was honestly distracted by the woman before him in this light pink silk night gown. She looked so good. She was so shapely and beautiful. It was dark last night and he was in so much pain that he didn't even take the chance to look at her.

She was outstanding, amazingly, just beautiful. He never felt this way looking at someone. Quickly he cleared his thoughts.

"The less you know the better...I need to call my team and we will get this all sorted out and taking care of."

"Sir you need to lay down. You could ruin your stitches. You need to rest in order to recover."

Miranda helped him over to the couch. "Well can you ad lease tell me your name." She asked looking into his eyes.

"Benjamin Warren."

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