((Kissing scene, fluff, small amount of angst ig))

Barnum and the crew were cleaning up, they had just had their show but it wasn't the only thing that happened today. Carlyle never showed up, Barnum was very worried and the crew tried to calm him down but he was just getting more panicked. "How do you know he's ok!?". Barnum was starting to get angry at the crew. Barnum felt bad but he was so panicked that he didn't care right now, the crew then heard the doors open and close and in came a very intoxicated Carlyle, he had a bruise on the side of his cheek and a bloody lip but even with those his whole face lightened up when he saw Barnum "P.T I didn't know you be here!" Carlyle then tripped over his own feet but Phineas quickly ran towards him and caught him mid fall "Phillip! Where have you been! Are you ok?!" Barnum put his hand over Phillip's bruises and considering he was super drunk he didn't feel the slight pain someone would feel, he didn't even flinch. "Someone go get a wet cloth and the rest of you can head home, come on Phillip." Barnum put Phillips arm around his neck so Phillip's weight was put on himself and he walked him to a box and sat him down "Phillip can you tell me what happened?". Even though they were sitting down Barnum still had a hand on Phillips's back and his chest so he wouldn't fall back or forward. "Uhh I- Hic! Uhh yeah" Phillip finished his 'sentence' and let out a little giggle. "Here Barnum." Anna passed a wet rage to Barnum and headed off to get changed in her regular close as Barnum thanked her. "Lets clean you up" Barnum proceeded to clean the wounds and wipe his lip clean of any blood. "Mmm that feels good- Hic!" Phillip leaned into Phineas soft touch getting closer then he probably should be but Phineas just blamed the action solely on the alcohol which was kinda true. Phillips actions were far from over tho "Mmm~ Phin~ has anyone told- told you that y- you are are amazing" Phillip proceeded to lean on the ringmaster placing his hands on his chest "Ok Mr. Carlyle please respect my personal bubble, ok." Barnum grabbed both Phillips hands and pushed them slightly away from his broad chest. "You're such a tease Barnum" Phillip said, continuing to push himself on top of Barnum which at some point became almost impossible to get him off because he just kept on pushing, and pushing. "Just kiss me Ringmaster~" Barnum was shocked by the younger man's words and in his shock he just sat there wondering how many drinks his partner had but Phillip wasn't gonna let Barnum think of a response he just used the man's shock against him and kissed him, the kiss was sloppy and uncorrinated but Barnum could taste the alcohol almost giving his whole mouth a burning sensation, the same burning sensation you would get from drinking the alcohol yourself. After what seemed like forever, Barnum finally understood what was happening and grabbed both of his partners arms and pushed him away still holding on to them so Phillip wouldn't fall to the ground and get even more hurt. "Phillip, stop before you do something you're gonna regret." Barnum said, he tried to sound strict but it came out a bit more flustered and flabbergasted "mhmm~ I'd never would regret kissing you, you- you my friend are one hot cinnamon roll and you taste like one too" Phillips lips let another giggle escape before he started to get needy again and go in for another kiss "Okk how about let's get you to bed" Barnum picked Phillip up bridal style, but he didn't know were Phillip lived and he didn't want anyone to see him in this condition so he thought about letting him sleep in there office, he had a small blanket in there and pillows were already on the couch so all he needed to do was tuck him in.


"Come on Phillip, bed time" Barnum put Phil on the couch and when he went to go get the blanket Phillip snuck to Barnum's office chair and he refused to move. "How about I stay with you tonight, would you like that?". And after hearing that Carlyle took no time to get to the couch, "Come here" Phillip laid down and stretched out his arms waiting for Barnum to come cuddle with him. "No Phillip I-" Barnum looked at Phillip and saw him on the verge of tears "Phillip please-" Barnum was saying till something was said that made him feel super guilty "I- I thought you cared about me. You said this place can make me feel safe, and now all I feel is sadness and sorrow. It's ok you can leave, like everyone else" Barnum walked towards Phillip and picked him up hugging him tightly. Phillip's salty tears left their mark in Phineas white plain button up shirt, but no one cared, Phillip just pushed further into Phineas shoulder and Phineas held him closer and tighter, "Ok. We should get to bed" Phineas laid down with Phillip safely and snuggly in his arms and he dropped the blanket over them and soon Phillips breathing slowed it became a steady pace and his eyes were softly closed, he was asleep "Good night Carlyle" Barnum said leaving a soft kiss on Phillips forehead and his lips softly ghosted his forehead.

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