((Kissing scene, some fluff ig))

Barnum was in a hurry, he was pacing around the circus asking the oddities where his coat and hat had gone. He was in a hurry to see his girls, after the divorce with Charity they agreed they would take weeks with the girls. Charity would get them for a week and Phineas would get them for a week. The reason they agreed so quickly on this routine was because the divorce wasn't that bad, they one day just fell apart and they both made sure the divorce was equal so Phineas got to keep his big house but he pays Charity child support and takes the kids even on her weeks sometimes if she got to much on her plate but without his jacket and hat he can't leave the circus. "Lettie, do you know where my coat and hat are?" Barnum asked the bearded lady, she was trimming her beard but took a fairly short break to answer Barnum's question. "Yeah I saw the man you apparently don't love with it. I saw him sneak by ya and to your guys shared office" Lettie said, teasing Barnum a bit. "I already told you guys I have no relation with the one you know as Mr. Carlyle, Phillip" and with that Barnum headed off to the previously said 'shared office'.


Barnum walked up to the office door but before he opened it he heard someone sing? Was that Carlyle's singing voice he heard? He opened the door slightly and saw Phillip dancing around with Barnum's hat and jacket on. "This Is The Greatest Show!" Carlyle sang, ending his dance with an 180 degree turn now facing the door he saw it slightly opened and half of Barnum's face. Barnum, knowing he was seen by Carlyles shocked and embarrassed face, opened the door all the way and walked in. "I have to say you Carlyle Phillip"-he said giving the 'p' a pop sound-"You are one good Ringmaster, but maybe you should get some private lessons from me you could learn a lot" Barnum said with smug smirk on his face "Pff I don't need private lessons, and I wasn't auditioning I was just trying your coat and hat on." Carlyle said with a pout. "And why are you wearing it?" Phineas let his hand snake around Phillips waist pulling him closer, "I was wondering how big they were on me and it's not my fault you left them unattended for a minute, you live with me you should know what I'm like" Carlyle said showing and even more devilish looking smirk "I really should shouldn't I" Barnum pulled Carlyle just a wee bit closer and planted a soft but passionate kiss on his lips.


"What was that about you two not being a couple?" Lettie said from the door and behind her was basically the whole Circus.

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