((Carlyle having problems with work but still having it in him to read Caroline and Helen a bedtime story))

Mr.Carlyle was a writer and no one knew that better than P.T Barnum himself. He always caught the younger gentleman writing a 1000 paged story or just doting down ideas but he never knew Carlyle wrote his feelings down whenever something big happened or his feelings were tampered with. All till one faithful day in the autumn.


Outside the leaves were falling the beautiful colours of all the leaves swirled and flew all over town. Seeing all the colours made everyone smile at its beauty making the city surrounded by trains a happy and delightful place but that doesn't mean everyone was happy and laid back today. Carlyle was having a rough day with the circus, Phineas was having a day off with the girls so it's not like he could go to him and ask for advice he'd just have to push through the sticky situation of numbers, letters and newspaper headlines calling the Circus a disgrace. The hate towards the circus and calming it was Barnum's job; he knew how to deal with it and never got discouraged but Phillip was different. He took everything to heart and seeing Barnum's hard work and his whole life be ripped apart and spat on like it was worthless pained him deeply. Carlyle thanked the gods they didn't have a show today and crunched the next few hours hoping the quicker he'd get this done the quicker he'd get to have a break.


Soon it had fallen past dark and Barnum was walking back to his mansion with Caroline's hand in his and Helen sitting on his shoulders, legs wrapped around his neck. Soon the tired dad and two daughters made it inside. "Phillip! We're home!". Barnum knew it was late but usually Phillip would stay up and wait for Phineas to return home. "You two go to your room Daddy will come read you guys a bedtime story". Barnum waited for the girls to shout with glee but when he heard them both say no he was shocked. "Oh, why's that?". Barnum got down on his knee to his girl's heights and gave them a serious but smiley facial expression. "We want Phillip to continue telling us about the story of the boy who could fly.". Barnum chuckled and told the girls he'd go get him but they still had to go wait in their room which they happily did. Phineas walked around the mansion till he made his way to Phillips office seeing him passed out at his desk. Barnum only chuckled and walked over to the sleeping boy only to see an open book under where his head laid. Phineas carefully grabbed the book knowing Phillip would definitely not wake up from that and read through hundreds and hundreds of journal entries of Phillip being angry or jealous are balling his eyes out. The most recent one was not finished and what he could see from the small amount of info the day at the circus was stressful. Phineas knew he didn't have the heart to wake Phillip but before he could place the book back down and tell the girls about the bad news Phillip looked up at him and said; "let me guess the girls want me to read them a story?". Phineas melted at Lip's words but he had to stay focused. "Yes but you had a stressful day, just go back to sleep ok.". Phillip got up and left the office without a word leaving Phineas confused as heck. Following Phillip lead him to the girls room where he saw Phillip sitting in between his two soon to be asleep girls telling them about the story of the boy who could fly, an original story all from the mind of the brilliant Phillip Carlyle.

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