((Fluff, and a short [very short] break for our circus dads))

Phineas and Phillip walked in the park down a small hidden trail. The park had lots of walkways and little hidden spots where you'd see a kid or two playing hide-n-seek with more of their friends. It was just edging over to winter, and before they couldn't, the two decided one final walk in the autumn scenery would be a great way to spend a wednesday afternoon. As they walked, the leaves of many colours crunched under their feet, and they avoided the small splotches of snow to not get their nice shoes wet with water and snow. “This is nice, I’m glad we can have this time together still with the circus and kids and Charity and-” Phillip was listing reasons they haven't been able to be together for the past month till his boyfriend shushed him. “Hey right now it's you and me time, so let's just walk and talk about us.” Phineas beamed, almost proud in his words. “Yeah, it's just you and me. To the end of the world?”. “To the end of the world!” Phineas replied sincerely.

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