((Kissing scenes, fluff ig, can someone give me a detailed explanation on what fluff means? I kinda know but still don't know what makes a moment fluffy.))

Mr. Carlyle was running around the circus with Burnum, his new idea was stupid and definlty not needed. "Burnum we don't need more elephants." Carlyle said he was holding a clipboard with the finance numbers and they showed that if they did get more elephants they would need to make triple the amount of money they get weekly and the would have to have a show every day of every week for 4 months to even start to pick at the money it cost to get more elephants counting food water and leashes and the more room they would need "Phillip I told you the circus can easily make triple the money." "But Barnum we just got the building back and we are Already making double. The original amount each show got us was 350$ then we started getting 500$ when we bumped up the ticket prices we can't bump them up anymore Phineas. And are you gonna push everyone to work harder because you want more elephants, is everyone gonna agree on 5 shows a week instead of 3?" Phillip grabbed Phineas and stopped him from walking any further and pulled him into their office that was still littered with moving boxes yet to be unpacked. "How about you unpack your stuff? We have been here for a month" Phillip closed the door and turned around only to be caught in a breathtaking kiss, the kiss wasn't heated but it was fairly long, it only ended when Carlyle pushed him away and said... "No. You are not getting out of this arg-". Barnum lightly pushed Carlyle to the door and kissed him again, pinning him down. "You talk too much,'' Barnum said before kissing him again. This kiss was a bit heated but it didn't get too far because of a knock at the door "One minute" Barnum said kissing Carlyle again. "Phineas it's me Charity I'm here to drop off the girls" "Oh, yeah" Barnum got off of Phillip and Phillip sat at his desk trying to calm his blush and running some numbers. Phineas opened the door and was greeted by Charity and the girls "Oh Come Here You Two!" Barnum said squatting down to their height "Daddy!" The girls shouted running towards him and giving him a big hug. "Well Mommys in a hurry. Bye girls" Charity said walking away, "Bye Mommy!". "So girls, go tell Mr. Carlyle that more elephants is a great idea" Barnum said standing up "Yeah More Elephants!". The two ran up to Carlyles desk and made circles around it chanting 'more elephants!'.

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