((Angst, fluff, and a very happy moment))

New Years was something the Carlyle never actually celebrated yes they hand a fancy party but that wasn’t what Phillip enjoyed and as a kid he wasn’t even aloud to be in the party room cause of all the adults drink and his parents couldn’t care for him anymore then they have nor did they care about their sons enjoyment so Phillip understandably started to take a disliking to this wide spread holiday. That is until he was invited to have New years with his circus family, his real family, and a family that actually cared about him. Phillip was sitting in his and Phineas office he told the others he was just freshening up but the truth was was that he didn’t feel like he should have been out there everyone was talking about these new year's resolutions and how different of a person they’re gonna be when 12 hits and that only scared him. What if everyone changed? What if Lettie changed? What if Charles changed? What if Anne changed? What if Barnum Changed? He didn’t want to think about it. The thought of Barnum one day just changing the way he is,         it scared him, he loved Barnum he loved this Barnum not some new shiny one the old one, the one he called his. “Phillip, you ok? You’ve been in there for some time. I'm starting to get worried.” Barnums voice was laced with concern for the younger man. “Oh y-yeah I’m fine. Just give me a minute!” Phillip knew his lie wasn’t going to convince Barnum. It didn’t matter how he lied. Nothing got by him. Barnum, not one to take Carlyles bull, opened the door and sat next to him on the yellow couch in the office. “So, what's on your mind this New Year's Eve?” Carlyle moved in his seat and fidgeted with his hands before he responded. “Well everyone one keeps on saying new year new me, or new year new you and talking about how everyone is gonna change and how everything else is gonna change. I don’t want things to change. For the first time in my life, I love where I stand and just the thought of everyone changing, including you! I just, I’m not ready, I’m scared.” Carlyle speaked like he was laminating the loss of Barnum, like he’d never see him again. Barnum would have probably curled into a ball and cried if it wasn’t for the fact that he needed to be here for Phillip right now. “Phillip, I want to say this once and only once, we don’t change separately, we are one person. It is you and me, and we only change when we both want it, and yes, change is very scary, but it's also exciting! I’ve come to learn that over the few hundred years of my life.” Barnums old age joke worked, and it caused the sad Carlyle to let loose a small giggle and hug Barnum, wrapping his arms around his neck and responding by saying: “You're not that old Phin.”. The two shared a small laugh, and after their hug finished, Barnum picked up Carlyle and carried him to the group where most people were already drunk and being greeted by a big ‘Hello Phillip!’ really did help the just sorrowed man.


It was almost twelve when Barnum clinked on a small glass with an extra clean fork that had come from the snack table. “Excuse me everyone, I’d like to make a toast to this year and the many years to follow that I hope is filled with joy, passion and the same pride I carry with me ever year, of every month, day, night, hour, minute and second and I have very important question for one person here. Mr. Carlyle Phillip! Will you marry me?!”

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