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((So for this one I did research on phones and the first was ever made in 1849 and in Italy [well it was made by an Italian so ima say Italy] and the first to be devised was in 1854 in France [well it was devised by a french man so ima say France] so yeah there's one line in this entire one-shot that mentions a phone. So your welcome for doing the research now let me ad old fancy phones in my fancy one-shot[s] [maybe shots] Also one of our Circus Dads are a bit upset but don't worry our second Circus Dad is here to help))

Barnum and Carlyle climbed into the back of a carriage pulled by two zebras, aka their carriage. The duo were on their way to pick up Caroline and Helen from dance lessons where Charity had taken them. Barnum sighed, yes he loved his girls but he had planned for tonight to be for him and his soon to be husband, he was actually gonna tell the love of his life about how they get married in the circus surrounded by their family. Heck, he was in the middle of a great makeout session when Charity called. He was also upset about that. "Hey, it is ok. It really doesn't bother me that we have to pick up the girls. we can continue everything another time." Carlyle tried to sooth Barnum, placing his own hand on his. "Yes I know Darling Phil, but I just had something I was really excited to tell you tonight and now I can't, and it's just kinda a pity that now I can not tell you." Barnum sulked in his seat, Carlyle just laughed, befuddled. "Why can't you tell me, is it because it's not romantic here or something?" Carlyle questioned the older man. "Yeah, something along those lines." Barnum chuckled but was then snatched by his collar and kissed. "Well, I say romance goes where we go, so theirs not really a reason for you to not tell me now is Mr. P.T Barnum." Carlyle smirked, causing a flustered laugh to come straight from Phineas's blown out lungs. (does that even make sense) "No my good sir I guess there's not, so here I go."-Barnum breathed in-"So remember how you were talking to me about how you were upset about you and me not having an actual wedding so-" Barnum was saying till he was cut off. "Barnum did you pay more than ten thousand dollars to a priest to get us married cause I swear to God himself Phineas that is a very stupid idea one of us could be killed or we both could be killed." Carlyle stressed to his Secret lover. "Which is exactly why I did not do that. No Mr.Carlyle I in fact, decided to have a wedding with you but in front of the whole Circus. No one will know about it, ok. it will just be our family. I promise I will never tell anyone outside of out perfect world about us, cause I know if that I did you would get hurt, even if you didn't die im sure I would and I don't wanna leave you alone I'm this world were you'll be forced to go back to a cruel, depressing life style. I want you and me to stay in this one, ok?" Barnum finished, kissing Carlyle’s knuckles. "That was one of the most romantic things to ever happen to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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