((Very short shot, and Barnum being cheesy, but we love him for it cause good fiances are the cheesy-est))

Barnum was making his way downstairs. He was about to buy a gift for Phillip, there wasn’t a special reason. He just wanted to. Barnum thought about what to get his fiance, Phillip deserved the world, but how was he supposed to buy that? Then, an idea popped in his head.


Carlyle was playing tea party with the girls when Phineas walked into the house. “Phillip, it seems I’ve bought you the world!”. Phillip looked behind him and saw Barnum holding a globe. “Yeah, you sure did. Why?” Carlyle did think the globe was cool, but why make such a joke? “Because you my good sir deserve the world.” Barnum said with pride etched into his face. (I don’t know how to end this, so ima leave it here.)

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