Chapter Twenty-Four

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I'm back! I've got the grind going on, don't I? Anyways, stay home, stay safe.

Darius asked Ben for the time. The youngest teen still had his watch. 2:33. The older teen nodded. He got up, and woke the two girls sitting on the couch. "Wake up you two. It's lunch time." Sammy and Yaz opened their eyes.

"Are we there yet?" Sammy asked.

"We still have a few hours ahead." Darius said. "But with the way Kenji has been steering, we should make it by sunset."

Yaz let out a laugh. "You trust Kenji to steer the boat?"

Darius didn't laugh. "He's the only one who has ANY boating experiance. So I'm gonna have to." The older teen left to go wake up Brooklynn. He got to the entrance, and seeing that the door was open, looked in. Brooklynn was asleep on the floor. Her jacket was being used as a pillow. This might be the first time Darius has seen her without her jacket on. So she likes orange as well. UGH. Keep it together man. Darius walked over to where she slept. He knelt next to her, and shook her shoulder a few times. "Brooklynn. Hey, wake up."

She groaned as she opened her eyes. She smiled when she saw Darius. "Hey. Are we there yet?"

A few strands of hair were in her face. Without thinking, Darius put the strands behind her ears. "We've got a few hours still. But it's lunch time. We gotta eat. I haven't in like a day." The two teens got off the floor, and walked back to the deck.

Sammy had already gotten the fruit out, but put a couple of different fruits on some plates she found. After everyone had gotten a plate, she said, "Oh my gosh. Are we really off this island? Or am I just dreaming again?"

Yaz told her, "If this was a dream, I think we would have a change of clothes. We've been wearing these scrubs for at least a week and a half."

Ben smirked. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'VE always wanted a signature look." He referred to his torn tank-top, whatever was left of his shirt that he was using as a bandana, and his dirty cargo pants. Everyone got a chuckle out of it. The only one who wasn't here was Kenji. Darius once again looked up to the bridge. Kenji's face was still stoic. Unmoving. Darius stood up.

"Where are you going?" Sammy asked.

"To grab Kenji. He needs to eat too." Darius answered.

Sammy stood up and rushed ahead of him. "It might be better if you just gave him some space. There will be plenty of time to talk to him before we get back. I'll go get him."

Darius nodded and sat back down. He finished his plate of fruit, and laid his head back down. It was a weird feeling. It was comfortable. He hated it. That was a first for him. Hating a comfortable chair. Feels like I'm about to sink.

Kenji came down with Sammy a minute later. When Sammy sat down by Yaz, the other teen saw that there was no other seat other than one across from Darius. Kenji grabbed his plate off the table. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ben came back with a dish put out on one of those fancy dish trays. "And now, for the main course." Ben said happily. "I present to you, for your eating pleasure only. The plumpest, the JUICIEST..." the five teens leaned forward in anticipation. Ben lifted the cover off the plate, revealing... "Nublar Grubs!" he said with enthusiasm. The others groaned in disgust. "Hand selected by yours truly." Ben picked up one of the grubs, and said, "Thank you for your sacrifice." More groans filled the boat as he ate it whole.

Ben moved the plate in front of each of his friends. When it got to Darius, the oldest teen looked at it, then back at the fruit. "I just want a piece of beef jerky. If this can get close to that taste, I will eat literally ANYTHING Ben gives me." The teen picked up one of the grubs.

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