Chapter Thirty-Three

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Here ya go. Another chapter. I'm trying to get longer chapters out because I like them better than multiple short chapters. Have a good day, stay home, stay safe.

The next morning, Kenji woke up, and found himself in a bed. Not his bed. He felt someone next to him, and saw that it was a woman. The teen remembered Lindsay, and the night they had. It wasn't Kenji's first time with a girl, but it was defiantly better than his first time.

He debated getting up, but when he checked his watch, he saw that the time was a little past six. He wrapped his arm around Lindsay's firm stomach, and pulled her closer to kiss her neck. She moaned in pleasure. Kenji did it again, and slid his other arm around her waist. As she moaned, and he kept kissing her, his hands moved up and down her body, sending shivers down her spine.

She woke up finally to the pleasure, and smiled. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Kenji said between kisses. "Did you sleep good?"

"Amazing." she said, moaning some more. Pretty soon, they just went another round to start the morning. Afterwards, Lindsay forced herself to get up. Kenji followed her to the kitchen. "You want some breakfast? I don't have to start work until eleven."

"Uh, sure. I've got nothing going on today, so I can just drop you off if you want." he offered her.

"Great." Lindsay said. "I actually left my car at work, so this just works even better."

After making some eggs, and another short round, Kenji dropped Lindsay off at the club. Before she got out, she looked at her ride and date from last night. "Thanks for the ride and for last night. I had fun."

"Me too." Kenji shared her smile.

"See you around Kenji." Lindsay said as she closed the door.

As the teen drove to his house, he thought about what happened. I can't get attached. I should only hit a club once and then go somewhere else. Once I've finished, I'll just start all over again.

After the drive home, he walked into the house. Alfred was no where to be found, which was fine with Kenji. One of the maids had seen him walk up the stairs. "Do you need something Mr. Kon?"

Kenji shook his head. "No thank you."

"Alright." she said. "Did you have fun last night? I don't think we saw you come home?"

Kenji turned to look her in the eye. "Um, it was fun. Just what I needed to help clear my mind." He walked back down to his old room to study with his friends over the phone. They don't need to know about this. Besides, I'm not doing anything wrong. It's not like I'm doing drugs or anything like that.

Four weeks later

The teens had gotten back into a routine of seeing each other often and study groups. They were preparing for their tests at the end of the week. That would determine if they would be allowed to move back into the right grade to graduate on time. The tension between Brooklynn and Darius was still there. They could all feel it. Apparently, they haven't talked to each other alone at all since the fight.

Kenji diverted everyone's attention away from the tension and said, "Hey, since we're all taking our test this week, we should do something for when we pass."

"IF we pass." Ben corrected.

Yaz sighed. "Always the optimist, aren't ya Ben?"

"We're gonna pass." Sammy said confidently. "We've worked our asses off this last month and a half. And besides, let's be honest. We're all going to go in there and say, 'I don't want to fall behind my class just because I got stuck on a dinosaur island for six months.' We all know that's gonna drum up SOME sympathy."

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