Chapter Twenty -Seven

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Back again! Hope y'all are having a good day, stay home, stay safe.

(Six months ago.)

Brandon watched the news. It was something that he never did before, but here he was. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm David Muir. Thank you so much for tuning in with us. We are receiving breaking news about Jurassic World. Sources telling us that the park suffered a terrible series of dinosaur attacks. More details later tonight, including the news about six missing campers."

Uncle Josh and Brandon cried hard that night.

Brooklynn's fathers saw the news the next morning.

Yaz's mother pushed herself into work, distracting herself from the pain of losing her only child.

Ben's mother blamed herself. Had she not pushed him to face his fears, he would still be with her. Her marriage strained. Her husband, even though he told her she didn't blame her, grew more distant.

Kenji's father turned to the drink again. It was how he dealt with his wife's death. It was how he was going to handle his son's death. A month afterwards, he had drank all the Scotch in his house. That meant he was done. He still had a company to run. He was a business man after all.

Sammy's family mourned. Her parents took it hard the most. If it wasn't for their financial troubles, and their under the table deals, Sammy wouldn't have gone. Her family's debt with Mantah Corp had been paid. That was one of the terms Sammy had mentioned she wanted in her contract. If, for whatever reason, she was pronounced dead, her family's debt would be complete. They agreed.


Brandon was in class. He was getting ready to graduate in a few weeks. He wished his brother was here to see him. He would love to have one last fight with him. He had already finished with his test in class. A fairly easy test. He just decided to put his hoodie up, and listen to music. It was probably a good ten minutes later, that he heard the class erupt into commotion. He took out his earbuds, and looked around the room. The teacher had them quiet down. Once everyone was settled, Brandon wondered why everyone was staring at him. "Okay guys. What?"

His best friend told him, "Check CNN!"

Brandon took out his phone, and checked the CNN website. "-those of you who are just joining us now, we are receiving live information about six kids suddenly showing up at the San Jose International Airport. They were taken to a hospital moments later. We have one of our camera crew checking on them right now. As you can see, they look no older than seventeen, and the youngest, a boy with a white tank top, looks maybe fourteen. You can see that the oldest, who reportedly had a gun on him, is getting his chest cleaned up. His scars are a mystery. We are trying to identify them now." The camera widened to get a full shot of the teenager getting his chest cleaned.

Brandon gasped at who it was. "D-Darius?" He broke down in tears. His brother, who had been thought to be dead for six months, had made it back. The whole classroom knew who Darius was. He was their starting quarterback. Future NFL superstar. At least that's what everyone said. "Oh thank you God. You brought my brother back safely!" The whole school got to talking. A few hours later, it was the talk of the town.

The six teens had been taken into the airport, and were escorted by Costa Rican police to a hospital. They couldn't believe it. They were safe. They were now almost home. They had received medical care. The campers refused to leave each other's sides. It was fine for now. An American officer made his way to the hospital once he found out that not only were they the campers from Jurassic World, but were also Americans.

He and his partners went into the room they were all sitting in. The Costa Rican officers had been guarding Darius. He was the one in possession of a weapon unregistered to him. Not to mention, he was a minor carrying around a Glock 17. The American excused the Police. "Are you the six campers who were reported dead on Nublar six months ago?"

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