chapter 3

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I was looking into open positions in the Italian Mafia, because that is the Mafia that controls most of the world. Especially in Italy , but before I could look any further into the jobs, there was knock at the door.

Immediately I grabbed my gun and went to the door. I then said, "who is it," the response I got back calmed my nerves a little. On the other side of the door, I heard " room service ma'am."

I then opened the door and took my ice cream, milkshake, and cookies from the man. I then went back to work.

After a while nothing peaked my interest. And I was just about to go to sleep, when I noticed a bodyguard position. To be more specific, the job entitled me protecting the youngest Russo 24/7.

I applied for the job, and got an response almost immediately. I was told to come to 666 Lane av., tomorrow at 8:00 a:m. Excited I ran and jumped on the fluffy white bed, and fell into a nightmare filled dream.

Next morning

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning to get ready for work. After showering and packing. I got into the rental car I ordered to be delivered at the hotel yesterday.

30 min later

As I was driving, I stopped at a Mc Donalds, and got some food .

1 hr 20 min later

I arrived at a beautiful castle like mansion, were I'd hopefully be working at soon.

As I got to the gate, I showed the guard my card I printed out. I was emailed a card last night, after I got chosen for the interview. He then let me through the gates, changing my life in ways I never expected.

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