chapter 4

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As I drove up the driveway, I was met with hundreds of cars outside the front of the house.

Huh guess you're not the only one who got the interview my self-conscious said to me

Yeah yeah I know but I'm still surprised at how many people are here. Our thoughts were quickly interrupted when a man came knocking on my car window.

He looks like a guard

He pointed towards a red mustang, and told me, "park right there, then hurry to the main hall."

At the main hall

Once I walked in I realized how many people were truly here. But my thoughts were once again interrupted by someone.

Danté pov

Me and my eldest son walked down the stairs to the main hall were our possible new employees reside, something caught my eye.

There was a girl who looked to be about thirteen in the back of all the men. But before I could think any longer on it, my son started speaking.

"Hello everybody as some of you may know, I'm Leonardo Russo, soon to be Italian mafia boss. And this is my father, Danté Russo, the current Italian Mafia boss." And from there I started to speak.

" There isn't much to say since my son already handle Introductions. So everyone follow us to the basement."

Me and my son then proceeded to lead everyone to the basement. As we passed the cells, more than half of them started trembling in fear.

Got damn pussy's, not even the little girl looked scared, she looked as of she was use to it. But my thoughts were short lived, when we arrived at my favorite part of the basement. Where we do our questioning.

Once I got to the door, I said " once in this room you will each be told to question and kill a traitor here in these cells. So if you can't handle that then you can leave now. And I can assure you, that I will let no one harm you for your choice." After saying that, most of them left. Leaving 5 people, including the little girl I saw earlier.

Huh this just got interesting.

But boy did I know how interesting my life was gonna get.

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