9. Party

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Rachel's PoV:

it was around 5pm, people were probably going to start arriving around 7.. so I had to two hours to get ready.. the drinks are prepared and cups are out, apart from that today I laid on the couch and did absolutely nothing..

I suppose I should get up and start to get ready, not lying to myself I was getting nervous about this party.. it was my first ever party and I was hosting it, as well as Harry obviously.. So i proceeded my way to the shower, maybe the heat would relax me a little.

I turned the faucet on full blast and let the hot water run down my back, it was pretty relaxing, once I finished my shower I got out and put on my dress. it was a blacky grey colour with lace sleeves and bits that showed my sides and a little tummy (A/N picture of the dress is on the side) I commented my curves very well.

I dried my hair and curled it at the ends a little and done my make up, when I was ready it was around 6:30pm, and the door went. It was Harry, when I opened the door he just kept staring me up and down for a solid 2 minutes, I could feel myself blushing a little and so to kill the silence without even realising I said "take a picture it'll last longer" with a little chuckle he blushed.. like he actually blushed, Harry Styles blushes.. what?! anyway so he blushed and starting stuttering like he was trying to spit something out "y-y-y-you l-look uh b-beautiful" and here he goes with the blushing again. I gave him a little smile and a "thank you" and took him to the kitchen

"I set up all the cups and drinks in here and the food in the dining room"
"yeah that'll be good" he started to avoid eye contact and walked away from me, but I ignored it.

Around 7pm people started showing up and when I say people, there was about 300 people in my house half drunk and on drugs. By 8pm I was a little tipsy but still aware of what I was doing. "Hey Rachel wanna play spin the bottle with us?" I heard someone say but I couldn't make out who it was, probably one of Harry's friends "yeah sure let me just get another drink and I'll be there"

Once I got my drink I went over and sat in the circle in between Harry and a blonde chick, not sure who she was, actually I don't know 90% of this circle.. There's Liam, Niall, Harry and Lewis? No wait Louis I think I don't know I can't remember, there's also me, another girl people have been falling her El? she's with Louis I think, there's also one called Danielle who is with Liam and a pretty blonde girl in between me and Niall.. I sort of felt insecure about sitting with these girls, they are basically flawless, and I look like a potato, and just as Harry was reading my mind he whispered "don't feel insecure love, you look beautiful"

okay that gave me a little confidence.. So Niall jumped in "I'll spin first" it landed on Harry. Then the bottle landed on.. of fuck it landed on me. I turned to Harry and he had the biggest smirk on his face, he cupped the face and slammed our lips together, it took my by surprise but I soon moulded ours lips together. When his lips touched mine I got a weird feeling in my stomach but I guess it's just the drink getting to me.. Anyway so game went on, Niall kissed El, Harry kissed Liam, Louis kissed the blonde that I don't know the name of and i kissed Niall. Soon everyone started leaving and it was just me and Harry "Do you wanna spend the night here, you're wasted and you aren't driving home at this hour" "yeah please, thank you love" so I got Harry some spare guy clothes that I keep babe cause guys clothes are so much comfier, and blankets and pillows and he slept on the pullout couch bed thing I have in my room and I got into bed.

I woke up to the doing of a loud scream, "what the fuck was that" I mumbled to myself "RACHEL JAYNE YOU GET DOWN THESE STAIRS RIGHT NOW!!" oh fuck, the parents are home.. why are they home early?! I looked over to the couch to see Harry still asleep and I could here my mothers stomps coming up the stairs.

"Rachel what the fuck have you done to my house, and why the fuck is there a boy in your room?!"
"well I sorta had a party but I was gonna clean it before you home, I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow"
"you will get rid of this boy, you are never to see him again, you better have this house cleaned by 3, a couple of my friends are coming over with their children for a get to together so get your ass up and cleaned up. NOW."


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