This is it

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Rachel's POV:

its Thursday. Tomorrow is my last day ever of high school, and on Saturday I have graduation, and Prom. My mum bought me all my stuff for prom and insisted that I went, I was too tired to argue so I agreed, I haven't seen Harry all week, he's either avoiding me or he's not been in. I haven't seen any of his friends either so I dont know.

And it turns out the girl I work with, her name is Tamara, she also goes to school with me, and we became close because shes my only friend, I'm also going to prom with her because she doesn't have a date either. I also got accepted to college! I'm so happy I'm studying as an music major.

Friday went smoothly, still no Harry though, I don't even know if he's graduating, quite frankly I shouldn't care, but I'll always know deep down Im still in love with him. It was Friday afternoon/evening and me and Tam were doing trial make up for prom to see how we wanted it. We wanted it to be as fancy as we could, we wanted to look H.O.T.

Tam went home and I had a shower, it was then I realized I haven't had my phone all day I looked at it and seen I had two texts, and to my surprise they were from Harry.

Harry. 20:17

Hey Rachel, miss you xx -H

Harry. 20:22

Please talk to me, I love you x x -H

They butterflies were there. They always have been. I'm so helplessly in love with him.

To: Harry. 22:10

I'll see you at graduation and prom.

Soon after my phone buzzedon my stomach.

Harry. 22:13

Who are you going to prom with? Is it a guy? Have you moved on? I'm so stupid!!!

To: Harry. 22:15

No, I'm going with a friend, who's a girl. Quite frankly I'm still in love with you. But you fucked up.

Harry. 22:16

I know I fucked up, but I'm trying okay? I love you so fucking much Rachel.

To: Harry. 22:19

Goodnight harry.

Harry. 22:21

Goodnight angel xx

This is going to be one hell of a day tomorrow.

I woke up at 6am. Wow great. But I was excited, today I'm graduating. I will of officially finished high school and I'll be able to live my life the way I want too. I so excitedddd!!!

I got my gown and hat and went to graduation. It was fun, I didn't trip up the stairs, which is a good thing. But now Tam was coming back to mine with her parents to get ready for prom.

It took 7 hours to get ready, but we got there in the end, our make up was phenomeniall (see what I did there ;)) and our dresses were beautiful. (On the side). When we were ready all our parents took around 100 photos each.. Before we actually left, it was around 7:30.

We got there at around 8pm in the limo, and most people had arrived but there was a few coming in like us. Me and Tam found our table and sat down, She was already 18 so she got me alcohol, and we also snuck some in.

By 10pm I was tipsy but I wasn't drunk enough to do stupid things. Then I saw him, he was with another girl, what a cunt, he legit told me last night he loved me and he's with another girl at prom. That was it I'm getting hella drunk if I have to stick around and see that.

11pm, I was away with the fairies and yeah I was wasted, I didn't realize anything until Harry stormed over to my table, which I was perched on his friend, Zayn? I think his lap making out with him. Harry grabbed Zayn and started yelling at him, I was drunk so obviously I'm going to join in.

R "Harry what the fuck are you doing?!"

H "stop you from making out with my best friend!"

R "oh so you can make out with whoever you want but I can't? Seriously Harry just fuck off! I want nothing to do with you anymore!"

H "you don't mean that Rachel! We both know you're in love with me" his voice cracking at the end.

R "no, I was in love with you, that's all changed now, whatever we had is over!"

He didn't say anything, he just stood there hurt written across his face. And I left the building, stopping at the door and glancing back before leaving Harry forever.

I hated senior year.


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