14. Trust

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Harry's POV;
it was now break.. I walked over to my car and hopped in driving to her house. I guess I'm kinda nervous to see if she'll tell me what happened or not. What if she doesn't tell me? Should I confront her? I'm just a little hurt she never told me and then lied..

I top my thoughts and make my way to her house, her lights are off, curtains shut. Is she even home? Her cars here but her parents aren't. I get out my car and walk up to the door, after knocking a few times I get no answer so I walk in. There she is sitting on her couch with a banged up face watching a film and crying. I rush over to her and try and comfort her but she just pushes me away, soon she's done fighting and gives in her face hitting my chest while she violently sobs into me. I break the comforting silence by telling her that I know what happened, I could feel her freeze up a little when I mentioned it but just to make sure she knows that I'm here and I care I squeeze her a little more, and she relaxes.

I left last night around 11pm her parents still weren't home, but they're never home.. They just give Rachel money and tell her to buy food. Anyway I got up for school expecting Rachel not to be there and if she wasn't my plan was to dutch, buy her comfort food and comfort her. As expected she wasn't here, so my plan proceeded. When I got there she was still in the same position I left her, but asleep. She was adorable when she slept. I scooped her up bridal style and carried her to bed. Just as I was leaving she said my name, I turned around "yeah babe?" And the words I've been dying to hear for the past two days "stay with me" came out, I took off my tshirt and climbed into bed with her, as soon as I was in she moved over and cuddled into me, my arms straight away went around her and this is the position we stayed in all day.

AN: sorry its really shit I've been really busy and forgot to update for like a month, I'll do some updates this weekend :)

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