15. party no.2

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Rachel's POV:
The weekend came to a quick end and Monday rolled around. I got up for school and got ready, i was running late and got to school during first period. Harry was sitting there with an empty seat next to him, when I walked in he waved me over and I sat down and got my jotters out.

Harry leaned over and whispered "Louis's holding a party on Saturday wanna go?"

"Uh sure I guess"

"Good, I'll pick you up at 6"

I just smiled and started my work. I wasn't really a party person, the party I held was one of the few parties i had ever been too, I only go to birthday parties and stuff. I'm not really into alcohol or drug related things ever, but I guess if Harry was going I would be safe.

Friday soon came and I was getting ready. I didn't really know what to wear to I just put on high waisted shorts and a normal shirt, I wasn't really a heal person, only on special occasions so I just out on my white converse. I straightened my hair and put light make up on.

When I was finished getting ready it was around 5:30pm so I went to get something to eat. Once I had finished my snack the door bell went, and I opened the door and revealed a very handsome Harry wearing a black button up shirt and his signature black skinny jeans.

"Babe take a picture, it'll last longer"
I could feel the burning sensation on my cheeks. I looked up hopefully he wasn't able to see how much I was blushing. I was walking a little in front of Harry to try and calm down my cheeks but I felt two arms snake around my waist and a whisper in my ear "its cute when you blush, and try and hide it" that was it, couldn't control my blush anymore.

We arrived at Louis' house around 20 minutes later, there was already around 50 cars parked outside, drunk teenagers falling about the place. Harry grabbed my waist and shoved me through the crowded people. We found all the boys and I said hey, then within about 10 minutes Harry had dissapeared.. I thought he's just probably drinking with his friends, he hasn't been around then much.

4 and a half hours later, I Stoll hadn't had a word from Harry, I didn't know where he was nor any of his friends, so I went out to look for Louis because he's the one I've spoken to the most. It wasn't hard to find Louis, he was just sitting down. I shouted over to him. He looked over at me and smiled and walked over.

"What's up Rachel?"

"Have you seen Harry, I can't fond him anywhere" he could see my frown, and frowned a little

"No sorry, try upstairs?"

"Sure, thank you"

He just smiled, but it was a fake a smile, I could tell.

I walked around and walked up the spiral staircase, there was a corridor of rooms. Most of the rooms where empty but I got to like the forth door, and I could hear something, so I steadily opened the door, and there he was.


With another straddling him while they kiss.

And in that moment my world crashed. I broke. The last thing I saw was Harry's face when he saw me standing there.

AN: an update finally lmao

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