My story

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Now you're probably wondering about my mother and why I haven't spoken of her yet.

Well my mother hasn't exactly been there for me, she walked out on my father, my sister, and I when I was 7. I never really understood why she did and honestly I don't care. If she didnt even bother to give me an explanation then hell with it . Why should I waste my time and energy on her .

You can say we're pretty much the perfect family except for the fact that I don't have a mother . I mean, biologically....I do . But physically and emotionally I don't.

"Come on kiddo, you're gunna be late for school. Time to go", dad said interrupting my thoughts.

"Took you long enough", I mumble and roll my eyes , making sure he doesn't see me.


"DAMARIS!!!!", I yell so loud that I'm pretty sure all five floors of the school heard me .

"Isabelle it's been so long I missed you!"

"I'm so sorry I haven't hit you up Damaris, you know how busy I've been with the vacation I took to visit my grandfather"

"Girl! Don't even worry about it I understand . All that matters now is that we make our senior year count!"

"Agreed" I say with a smile .

Damaris Mcallister is one of the most amazing people I know . She's caring, kind, smart and knows how to have fun. I would definitely say she's one of my bestfriends . We met my freshman year of highschool. She was really shy and didn't speak to anyone much but I definitely changed that! Haha.

She's really mysterious if I must add . I don't know much about her family , I've asked a couple times but she just changes the subject . I guess it's a sensitive subject.

"So how was your trip"

"It was fine, you know I got to see my grandfather one last time, but he's in a better place now" I say barely keeping a smile on my face.

If you haven't guessed already my grandfathers past away. Of old age .

I mean that's what the doctors say but he was only 70, that's not old at all.

Life works in funny but hurtful ways I think to myself.

"Alright lets change the subject, have you seen the hot new guy yet?"

" what new guy!?" Why am I always the last one to know everything I thought to myself . It's like I live under a damn rock!

"Jared Miller!!!" She says in shock, as if I was already supposed to know him.

"Idk about Jared Miller but I did meet some hot guy down in Cali when I went to my grandfathers" I say with the biggest smile on my face.

"Wow, what's he look like?? How old is he ?? Blonde hair?? Black hair?? Blue eyes ?? Brown eyes?? Tall?? Short??" She starts asking away like a crazy person.

I pretty much zoned her our after her "short" question. The only thing I could think about was the mysterious guy I met whose name I don't even acquire .

His dreamy eyes .

His perfect full lips.

The gleam in his eyes when he bumped into me at the cafe and our eyes met.

The way he smelled of Hollister cologne .

And that smile, oh that smile!

WAITTT!! What was I thinking??! I AM ISABELLE ALFORE , and I DO NOT fall in love ! I thought, giving myself a mental lecture .

Not after everything I've been through.

Ahh, but he's so gorgeous .

"Isabelle are you there?!"

Oh my god Damaris I totally forgot she was even there ! I'm such a bad friend .

" Erm, yeah, I'm here.. sorry. I just kind of dozed off ."

"Yeah I see that" she said giving me a concerned look.

"So was this day dream of yours about Mr.Mystery boy?!" She asked excitedly .

Here we go again I thought .

"Damaris Mystery boy or not.. You know my outlooks on love, and you definitely know where I stand. I don't care if he's the hottest guy on earth. I don't catch feelings. That's why I'm a player"

Did I mention I was a player?

Guess not.

Well now you know . I know it's a bad thing. I do. But I feel dominant.

I take joy in watching how fast they fall for me.

I take joy in slowly ripping their hearts out slowly and

walking out of their lives like I wasn't once a huge part of it .

I'm not the one to blame here . I never promised them love.

Just a date----that's all it takes for them to get hooked!



Ok readers so obviously this was another very short and boring chapter but it'll get better I promise !! I'm seriously thinking of not writing any more so please if you want me to go on just comment and share . It'll really help, thanks !

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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