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As the hours went by Maya just wasn't tired enough to sleep. She got bored and just decided to put her clothes away.

After that he went out on the balcony and looked up at the stars. He tried to find different constellations.

After a while outside they went inside and fell asleep as soon as their head hit the pillow. And once she woke up, she has flown up in a cold sweat, getting memories and memories back with Noah and seeing his murderer, there were so many bad and some good that she just broke down into tears and curled up into a ball.

At the time Tommy was about to pass Mayas room as he went down for a glass of water and checked on her leaving her door open before going downstairs, he somewhat saw she was curled up.

Tommy entered the room quietly, "Maya?" Tommy whispered.

Maya had then looked up from her arms and knees seeing Tommy approaching her.

"Hey, hey Maya its ok." Tommy said putting his drink down before sitting on the bed, "come here." Tommy said opening his arms.

Maya quickly made their way to his arms, "Whats the matter Ari?"

Maya stuttered not being able to get the words out.

"Hey hey its ok take all the time you need, I'm right here and you can tell me anything."

"I-I was having dreams of my brother." Maya managed to say stumbling on her words.


"No... I have another brother. I don't really talk about him or tell anyone I meet and just wait for them to figure it out because if you look up on stupid tiktok, you'll be able to find clips of us joking durning it happening." Maya said still in tears.

"Do you want to tell me about him, I'll listen to anything you have to say."

"I- he passed back in 2016, I was like 12 he was 5 Jj was 16, he was killed close to the house. He was on missing posters for around a week before me and my friends, or as we were called 'the losers' tried to find him. It was me the triplets and my 3 friends Stanley, mike and Justin." Maya said sighing as she had never really told anyone this part of the story, "we eventually started seeing things, I saw Noah, Stanley saw a woman with her faced all messed up, which originally came from a painting, Mike saw his parents who passed in a fire, Justins mom was getting mad at him because he looked like his dad, Atlas kept on seeing balloons, and Calum saw this zombie type person, but it was all in our imaginations." Maya said her eyes welling up with tears again.

Tommy just held her closer, listening to everything they said, and he believed everything although he did also want to ask the triplets about it later on.

"Baron saw nothing until we finally met Noahs murderer, it was a lot but we eventually got rid of him. We have no clue if we killed him or not, we think he may have been arrested, but we made a promise that if he were to ever come back we would come back too, thats why me and the triplets all have a similar scar on our hands." Maya said finishing.

"I am so sorry that happened Maya." Tommy said, in shock of everything.

"I know its a lot to take in." Maya chuckled.

And the two eventually fell asleep.

~Laurens corner~
Was this based off of it? Yes, yes it was.

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