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trigger warning: homophobic slurs, abuse, yelling/screaming, drunk, passing out, ambulance/police, invasion of privacy, and hospital

"Tim." Maya said, her back straight prepared for whatever was going to happen.

"what the fuck did you call me you faggot?!" the words slurred out of the drunk mans mouth as he approached her.

Nick was going to step in front of her before she stopped him and sent him a look almost telling him that shes got this, and she can handle him, so he backed away.

"I called you fucking Tim." she said loud and clear, him now almost face to face with her.

the man swung at her, punching her nose and swinging again with the same hand punching her eye before with his other hand swinging again, not only punching the right side (his left) of her jaw but also cutting it with the glass beer bottle, she backed away in pain, her bleeding now from multiple places on her. face.

before Nick could intervene, the man was already on the ground, JJ had pushed him to the ground, the two starting to swing at each other.

now JJ had seen Maya been hit numerous of times, but this time was different, it was like all his medicine went away, and his anger from all the years took over him, he saw red.

the two were punching and punching, to fast for anyone to even say anything.

Tim had grabbed the broken bottle once again and sliced his sons stomach, forcing him to yell out in pain, before hitting him over and over, until his father went limp, passed out.

victoria was already calling an ambulance, more for her son as she honestly never gave a damn about her husband.

JJ kept on swinging at the passed out man before him, and then finally he had passed out to next to his old man.

JJ's white shirt was now stained red, with a giant cut through it, the gash in his stomach, was deep, most likely one of the reasons he had passed out.

Nick and Maya had both fell to the ground, next to JJ.

Victoria has thrown Nick a cloth to use for JJ's bleeding, Maya was sobbing, from seeing her older brother passed out like this, but also sobbing from the pain she was in.

in no time the police and ambulance were there, getting both Tim and JJ on stretchers, putting them into two separate vehicles, and having Maya go in the same one as JJ.

unfortunately, some Paparazzi photos were taken as for some reason they were in her neighborhood, they took pictures of her bleeding out and getting into an ambulance, those photos quickly made its way around the internet.

Victoria and Nick were getting into a car, Nick driving. as they followed the ambulance to the hospital.

as soon as the ambulance arrived they rushed all three into the hospital, having Maya and JJ share a room as Maya had refused to go into a room with her father, yet she also refused to let them put her in a bed so they treated her in a chair.

JJ was still knocked out, he had oxygen tubes for him to breathe properly, while he was being wheeled to go get xrays and possibly surgery.

Tim was also going to get xrays, except he could breathe on his own.

~Laurens Corner~
did you prepare urself like i said to?

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