Unexpected visitor (5)

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Time flew by. Two weeks had already passed since the first piano lesson and I hadn't managed to see Josh again, only Sam who seemed always so happy to see me. That was obviously a lie. I'd say our relationship got better and it did a little bit but since the incident where I fell he was as cold as ever.

At the end of the third lesson while we were walking towards the exit I asked him: "Why do you hate me Sam? I mean I get it, we've had our differences but I've done nothing to deserve your coldness"

"I don't hate you" he replied thinking I didn't notice his hesitation. Well I did. "It's just that I don't love being forced to give you lessons by my brothers , that's it" I didn't believe him a single bit, but I didn't say anything. If he really didn't hate me then he'd be nicer and flirtier. That was how he seemed during interviews.

"I could ask you the same thing, though" I looked up to him in confusion not getting what he meant. "Why do you hate me?" he quickly added.

I laughed in response to his question. "I don't hate you, Sam! I actually like you, but I can't seem to get past that barrier you created and I genuinely don't know how to behave in your presence"

He suddenly stopped and turned around to look at me. "You always seem nervous when you're around me. Is it because of me?" I tried to laugh it off not wanting to keep looking into those dark brown eyes. His gaze was becoming heavy and it was difficult to hold it..

"I'm not nervous around you" I lied directly into his face, even though I was becoming really nervous. He seemed to notice and continued. He took one step closer looking at every inch of my face, looking for something that would reveal the reason for my tension not realizing that he was it.

"Do I make you nervous?" I couldn't hold the gaze anymore so I looked away and took one step back breaking that weird spell. He seemed to feel the change of the atmosphere as well and quickly walked me out without saying anything else.

Not knowing what to say I walked over to the station to get home. I waited for the train and while I did that I texted Laura, since it had been a while since we met. I loved being alone but seeing my best friend always made me happy. Plus I needed some distraction since Sam had really confused me today.

She replied saying that we could meet this evening and so we did. I got ready at home and took a cute picture to post on my social media before leaving. I had gained 1k more followers since the video with Greta Van Fleet had been released. I really enjoyed the attention, plus Josh and Sam were following me and they would see the picture.

Laura and I had decided to eat Sushi at restaurant nearby. I had a beautiful night, we chatted and laughed talking about the new boys in her life. Right now it seemed like she had a new boyfriend which she apparently loved, even though she had just met him. But who am I to judge, it's actually the last thing I would want to do.

Laura had a "problem" with boys, though. She never had a serious relationship with anyone, it was either just sex or a short but strong obsession that probably only lasted a few weeks. She tried to convince she was straight but she gave off so strong bi vibes. Well she didn't seem straight that time when we both were terribly wasted and fucked the whole night. She was amazing in bed and even though it was her first time with a woman she nailed it.

The day after she told me that it was only because of the alcohol and that she wanted to stay friends. And so we did and I never regretted that even though I was happy to have done it.

After the evening I went to bed early and I surprisingly fell asleep immediately. I was sure thoughts would keep me awake but they didn't.

The day after I woke up at ten am. I didn't have any seminars today because the professor was ill. I was happy to be able to spend the whole day home, reading, watching Netflix and listening to music.

After lunch I decided to take a shower. It was the first time my thoughts started wandering like crazy. Why was Sam so weird? The effect his nearness had given me was very strong, but what can I say: he is hot and I had a crush on him even before meeting him.

I started fantasizing about him: his eyes, his hair, his lips... I was putting cleanser on my body and while I did so I started to massage my breast, my hands slowly wandering down to between my legs. I found my clit with my fingers and started touching it doing slow round motions with my hand. I was wet and not because of the warm water running down my body.

I was getting closer to my climax while thinking about Sam's beauty, but the doorbell suddenly rang and I had to walk out of the shower. I quickly grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body.

I walked over to the door but before opening it, I looked at the camera to see who was at the door. I didn't expect anyone so it was pretty weird.

I immediately opened the door not expecting the person in front of me.

"Josh!" The small towel was still wrapped around my body and the water was dripping down. I was still turned out by the thoughts in the shower and I hadn't gotten my release yet.


Cringey!!! (The thing with Sam: "Do I make you nervous?")
But what's wattpad without a little cringe, right?
No song reference today I'm so sorry:(

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