Unexpected vistor pt.2 (6)

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"Josh?" I asked pleasantly surprised to see him standing in front of my home. He blushed as soon as he saw that I had only a towel wrapped around my body. "What are you doing here?"

"I, ehm, have a surprise for you that I wanted to give you in person" he seemed slightly embarrassed, but it made him seem cuter than he already was.

"Come on in! I hope you don't mind if I'm going to change" I was walking to my room when I added. "Make yourself at home"

Not knowing what to wear -I was expecting to stay in my pjamas the whole day- I opted for a simple white crop top and some jeans. I left my hair open so that it could dry.

While I walked into the room, where I had seen Josh last, I noticed him looking at a picture of me as a baby hanging on the wall. He noticed my presence and smiled at me. "Cute photo"

I blushed. I didn't expect him to come to my place like ever, so I hadn't had the chance to imagine how it would be.

"I'm sorry that I came so unexpectedly, I probably should have texted you or something..."

"No problem, Josh. You know that you're always welcome" I was looking forward to knowing the reason for his visit.

"I have a surprise for you" he repeated, grinning like a little boy, while taking out two pieces of paper from his pockets.

"What is this?" I walked over to him to get a closer look to the thing he had brought.

"They are the tickets to our concert in a few months... you once said that you loved New York city..." Now he was embarrassed again.

"Oh my God, Josh!! Thank you!!!" I pulled him into a tight hug, loving the feeling of his body pressing against mine. I hadn't forgotten about what I had done under the shower and I suddenly felt a need between my legs.

I pulled away from the hug smiling. "You didn't have to!!"

"I know, but I wanted to" he shrugged it off like it was the most common thing in the world. This band had already done so much for me and they didn't even realize it.

"Well now that I told you I guess I have to go..."
"It was nice seeing you again" he added whispering. After a few seconds he started walking towards the door.

"Josh, wait" he turned around, curiosity and surprise in his eyes.

"Why don't you stay for dinner? I have nothing fancy prepared, just some salad, but still"

"No, don't worry, I don't want to bother"

"You're not bothering! It would make my evening ten times better if you stayed" I insisted really hoping he would stay. He eventually agreed and we sat down on my couch to chat.

"Have you ever though about pursuing a musical career? Your voice is out of this world, love"

"I have but I don't think it's for me. My parents never wanted me do... well it's not like they can stop me now"

"What do you mean?"

"They can't stop me from above" I replied feeling sadness building up in me. Josh looked at me with a worried face and I quickly smiled, because I really didn't want the evening to take that turn.

"Well anyways I'm not a good songwriter, especially since I can't play any instruments. Well I guess that's gonna change soon" he nodded accepting to go back to talk about more easy topics.

The evening continued like this. Spending time with Josh was one of the best things life offered, he always made me laugh so much.

"Do you want some wine?" I asked getting up to take the bottle.

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