Alcohol and weed in company (8)

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A few days had passed and today I was expecting Sam at my place for the piano lessons. It was still early, so I decided to finish the book I had started two days prior.

Tears were sliding down on my face.
I was a sobbing mess.
I needed tissues.
Was I ridiculus for crying?
My favorite character had just died.
So, no.

The doorbell rang while I was reading the last sentence. I decided to finish it first before walking towards the door.


It was Sam and I had completely lost track of time. I didn't want him to see me cry, especially for a book. But I had no choice.

As I opened the door I saw him glance at me. As soon as he saw me, he took my face in his palms and observed me with his dark brown eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried.

I shook my head "Nothing" but the tears were still streaming down my face so I didn't sound really convincing.

He raised an eyebrow expecting me to explain myself. "I just finished a book, okay?" He bursted out in laughter and now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows.

"It was a really sad book. Plus it's not nice to laugh" I knew that he would think that I was stupid.

"You're right I'm sorry" But he was still laughing. I just walked inside, since we were still at the door, and he quickly followed me.

He wasn't laughing anymore but still smiling. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and when I walked out I found him leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door.

"Hey I'm sorry that your book was sad" I nodded

"Do you maybe..." he started without being able to continue the question.

"Do I what?"

"Do you need a hug?" Since I stared at him in disbelief he quickly added: "I know that people like that when they are sad and you seem like a person that likes hugs, that's it" Well that was true, I lived for hugs.

"Okay yeah thanks" I slowly neared myself to him and wrapped my arms around his body.

That was by far the most embarrassing hug ever, since he was rigid and still not hugging me back even though he had suggested it. And I had had a lot of embarrassing hugs, all at my parents funeral. This one beat all though.

He eventually wrapped his arms around me as well, after long seconds of hesitation. He drew small circles on my back with his hands. That made me shiver so I pulled back.

"Thanks" I said blushing and touching my neck with my hand.

After this awkward moment we sat down and started playing the piano. Somewhere in the middle of the lesson, he looked at my neck noticing the hickeys Josh had left me. I blushed and covered them with my hair.

"Who did these to you?" He asked to my surprise. I expected him to not stay quiet.

"Noone..." I tried to brush it off, but he insisted.

"It's difficult to make these yourself" he said, smirking. The younger child's always had to get what they wanted. Even if it was just an answer.

"Wait, was it Josh? I heard him talk to Jake about a girl he really liked and finally slept with and now you have hickeys that are fading away" he seemed really proud of his conclusion.

I couldn't get over the fact that Josh had told Jake about us. If I had found out about this in a different situation, I would have smiled like an idiot.

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