2. New school

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Katski stood up and sighed running his hand through his blond spikes.

"Ok nerd listen up, I'll carry you to the infermary, ok?"
Bakugo said stretching his arm muscles.

"C-carry me? Oh you don't have to I'll just-" izuku couldn't even finish his sentence as he was swept of the ground by the blonde.

Izuku yelped and put his hands around bakugos supprisngly very strong neck quickly
"you don't have to omg, I'm sure I'm heavy and you are gonna be late to school" izuku exclaimed feeling a blush expanding on his face.

"Fuck school, and you're not heavy at all so quit yapping" bakugo says rushing down the street while carrying izuku in a bride style.
And to tell you the truth.
Izuku was dying, he was burning alive at the fact that this blondie he doesn't even know the name of, was carrying him to school on his first day.

What in the Wattpad is this? Izuku thought feeling the strong arms of bakugo on the him.

They soon made it to the gate and some kids who were walking to their class saw bakugo carrying a kid they haven't seen before. Whispers and photos were taken, some got jealous of the new kid who already had THE Bakugo katski carry them.

It was an indeed rare sight.
But bakugo ignored all the extras and walked straight to the infermary, izuku was quite sad that his journey on the hot guys arms is almost over but also relieved that he won't be anxious anymore.

Finally bakugo got to the infermary and he gently put izuku on one of the beds there, for some odd reason the nurse wasn't there and izuku just sat there uncomfortably but his leg was starting to hurt a lot.

Bakugo sighed "she's never fucking here, they should just fire her ffs" bakugo says "it's fine I'll treat you"

"Are you sure?" Izuku asks bit concerned if he could actually treat him and not mess up.

"Yeah I'm in the schools football team, by now I'm a whole ass doctor with the amount of times I treated myself and my teammates" he said with a chuckle looking through the wooden cabinets taking out some bandages.

"Oh that's nice, then I'll just put my trust into you and hope I don't loose my leg" izuku giggled.

Bakugo smirked at izuku walking up to him "oh yeah? Then I'll be your doctor from now on, don't worry you won't loose your leg" said katski kneeling down to izukus leg.

He picked it up as gently as he could but izuku still winced "yeah it might hurt a bit, but you can endure it, do it for me yh cutie?" He said taking izukus shoe of.

Izuku nodded shyly and chewed on the inside of his cheek wondering, does he call everyone cutie? Does he flirt with everyone like this?
He didn't like the thought of this guy flirting with someone else.
But what confused him the most was, why is izuku so interested in a guy who's name he doesn't even know??

Izuku watched as bakugo carefully and tightly apply the bandage around his foot and ankle.
Izuku wondered if bakugos hair was actually spiky or was it soft? and he had long blonde lushes eyelashes, izuku swallowed a lump in this throat, god this man is handsome.

"You sprained it slightly, it's alright tho" he said doing the finishing touches and tighing the knot.

"Well freckles all done, and watch where the fuck your running next time" bakugo said gently poking izukus forehead in a scoulding way.

Izuku squeezed his eyes shut at the impact of bakugos finger, and giggled slightly.

"Will do!"

Bakugo couldn't help but notice the cute blush spreading on the greenetes face yet again, something about this blush was different.
Katski was drawn to it, like bees to nectar. It was adorable and would appear from time to time for no reason.

Katski smirked, he wanted to see it all the damn time, he thought maybe if be teased the nerd then he would blush even more often.

"H-hey what's your name?" Izuku asked breaking the silence.
"It's the infamous katski Bakugo kid, remember it."

Izuku smiled "I'm izuku midoriya, I'll be sure to remember it, Bakugo"

Bakugo felt a weird sensation in his stomach after his name just rolled of the smaller males tounge so smoothly.
Like only izuku could say it,
For some reason he liked the way the nerd said his name, it was different.
Fuck, everything about this guy is different.

Izuku caught Bakugos interest very easily and quickly, Bakugo could feel that this little shit is different, kind, funny, cute. Way different from the other extras, but why? Why is he different? Izuku didn't do anything out of the ordinary, that made katski curious, very curious.

Bakugo places his hands on each side of izuku locking him in between and leaning down so their faces are only centermeters apart.
He smirked as the greenete blushed once again, "hey Midoriya, how come I haven't seen you around before?" He asked "I wouldn't have forgotten such a pretty face."

Izuku gulped and he moved back slightly "w-well I'm new, that's why you haven't seen me before"

"That would make sense, well freckles tell me what class you have I'll take you there"
Says Bakugo moving away from izukus face.

"That would be great help, thank you Bakugo" he smiles at the blonde.

"I don't help people at all, so you should be very very great full"

"Of course, thanks a lot Bakugo for all your help today" izuku chirped.
And bakugo couldn't help but smile at the cute response.


Our cuties are making progress:)
Also Let's take our time to appreciate kind Bakugo 🙏
Until he goes back to grumpy, angry Pomeranian.


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