16. fight

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Izuku sat on a desk of some changing room, swinging his legs freely as he watched Bakugo brush and fix his hair for the 40th time.
The room was nice and modern, lots of mirrors and clothes, even snacks and drinks.

Izuku watched Bakugo in awe, katskis actions were messy, and you could see that he was stressed about the whole concert even if he tried to not show it.

"Kacchan are you nervous?" Asked izuku smiling cheekley.

"Me? Nervous? Nerd I'm never Nervous" scoffed Bakugo giving izuku a glare.

"Yeah Yeah sure" izuku laughed at the now angry blonde.

"Freckles I'm serious right now, I'm never fucking nervous" he said coming closer to izuku towering over the boy who was gigiling on the desk.

"Kacchannnn it's alright to be nervous" izuku teased flashing Bakugo a quick smirk Bakugo smirked too and leaned down touched his forehead with izukus to try intimidate him jokingly
"Do you not understand what I'm saying??" Bakugo replied and couldn't help but chuckle slightly "I am never nervous!"

"Well whatever you say Kacchan, whatever you say" izuku giggled

Before Bakugo could say anything else 3 solid knocks came from the door, bakugo sighed and quickly moved away from izuku opening the door harshly.

"What" he snarled his eyes landing on a pair of red ones, kirishimas.

"Bakubro sorry for disturbing you two" kirishima said with a cheeky smirk looking at izuku who was still sat on the desk, a suspicious blush on his cheeks, "but we are starting in 10 minutes, so let's go"

"Alright shitty hair, I'll be there in 2 minutes" Bakugo replied quickly closing the door again not giving any kirishima a chance to say anything else.

Izuku saw that Bakugo tensed up again, and the greenete didn't really know how to help, instead he jumped of the desk and walked up to katski picking up his hand.

"Kacchan I'm sure you will do great, I heard all of you play before and it was so incredibly good!!" Izuku said cheerfully flashing bakugo a warm smile "so don't worry"

Bakugo smiled too, which was rare for him, he usually never does smile and if he wanted to he would keep it in, but here he couldn't help it.

"Nerd I told you, I'm not nervous!!"


Later they walked down to everyone else.

"Heyyy bakubabe are you ready?" She asked in a flirty tone making Bakugo smirk.

"Fuck yeah"

"Whooo" Denki cheered on

Izuku smiled, for some reason he was quite worried too, even know its not even his concert.

"Uruaka and shinsou should be here soon, I'll go meet them outside"

"I'll come with you nerd, it's late and dangerous" Bakugo said grabbing his jacket.

"No no, you have to get ready, plus they will be here any minute" izuku smiled.


"Izubabe is right Kat, come on... people will be coming in soon" Mina said worriedly knowing how stubborn katski is.

"Fine whatever, call me if something happens" Bakugo said with a sigh

When izuku made it out through the doors, he took a deep breath in... and out.
Relaxing at the feeling, he got to nervous with Bakugo being so flirty...
Don't get him wrong he loved it.

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