8. hungover

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The curtains weren't doing a really good job of keeping the room dark, in fact they are so thin the sun was literally blinding izuku. It felt like someone was standing over him shining a torch into his
eyes on purpose just to annoy him.
Izuku turned over with a groan hiding his face in the soft sheets of the pillow, izuku guessed it was about 7am... He can tell by the few cars driving of to work. Usually the roads are way more full than this

As izuku sat up wobbling slightly side to side he felt a wave of incredible pain hit his head and with that came a wave of sickness that was now running up his throat.

Izuku jumped out of the bed heading to which he hoped was a bathroom, and to his suprise it was.

He launched him self at the toilet gripping onto the edges like his life depended on it and holy shit he was about to vomit all his insides out.
He could feel it forming and God it was so bad, so so bad.

Katski heard the thud of izukus knees hitting the floor and he instantly woke up, his eyes scanned the room until they fell onto the open door which was closed this night.

He remembered yesterdays event and saw the missing greenete that was in his hands and it instantly clicked.

"Fuck" he whisper- shouted jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom where his eyes fell upon the green haired boy.

"Nono freckles don't touch the toilet seat" Bakugo said falling behind izuku and taking the others hands of the toilet seat holding them tightly.

Izuku was gonna ask something but as he opened his mouth he wished he never did, cause fucking hell it all came out.
Bakugo gently patted izukus back and rubbed circles feeling the pain izuku was feeling since he was at this state many times.

"It's ok nerd, come wash your face I'll find some medicine"

Izuku nodded weakly and stood up to the sink and with Bakugos help he managed to wash his face.

Bakugo carefully lead izuku to the bed helping him on then in a rush he looked through all the cabinets with a worried face until his eyes fell on a bottle and some painkillers.
Bakugo sighed in relief glad that the idiot Denki had enough braincells to put shit in here for the ppl after the parties.

Katski smirked as he took out two pills and gave them to izuku who downed it quickly with no hesitation whatsoever.

Bakugo chuckled at izukus lazy and worn out actions until they made eye contact.
That's when izukus eyes widened "oh god my mum Bakugo, MY MUM!!" izuku yelled patting all his pockets in hope to find his phone. "She's probably so worried!!"


"Wait Bakugo"
Izuku yelled jumping out of bed to look through his jacket which was on the floor.

Suddenly bakugo grabbed hold of izukus shoulders forcing izukus green eyes to look at katskis "calm down, first you now call me kacchan, second, I already called your mum to tell her your staying for a sleepover so just call her later to tell her goodmorning or whatever" Bakugo finally said.

Izuku visibly relaxed with a sigh until curiousity was visible on his face "what do you mean call you kacchan? And how did I even get here?" Izuku asked panicking once again making Bakugo sigh.

"Listen sit down" Bakugo said pulling izuku onto the bed "I need to apologize for something..."


"Yeah, and since you don't remember anything this will be huge shock for you..." Bakugo said looking deeply into his green emerald eyes memories of yesterday flooding Bakugos memory.

"Right listen" the Blonde sighed nervously "yesterday you drank a lot so I took you to the bathroom so you could sober up a bit, maybe wash your face or something" katski said "to take you away from the crowd since it was overwhelming"

Izuku nodded suspiciously

"And then you... well you... UGH" Katski said harshly covering his face with his palms
"Why the fuck is this so hard?!" He groaned into his hands, he didn't understand what was happening to him, why was he so scared? Why did izukus reaction scare him?

Izuku started to worry and it clearly showed on his face making Bakugo sigh once again.

Bakugo took a deep breath followed by many slow once counting up to ten like his therapist told him.

"Fuck you just kissed me nerd- and I should have stopped you cause you were drunk and shit but I fucking didn't I kissed you back I didn't even fully understand what was going on... And I dont usually say sorry but fuck I'm very in the wrong here, I shouldn't have done that, so I wanted to say I'm incredibly sorry, very very sorry" Bakugo finally said in one go making his head go bit dizzy.

Thats when izukus eyes widened "I d-did what now?" Izuku said im disbelief "n-no way-"
As izuku was talking his memories of last night came flooding back and the realisation of what happened hit him hard like a truck.

"It's not your fault-" katski said but was interrupted but izukus loud mumbling "oh god I did kiss you and omg I called you kacchan and oh god you- you kissed back, no way-"

Bakugo grabbed onto izukus shoulders and forced him to look into Bakugos eyes and izukus widened again.

Izuku remembered that look in Bakugos eyes, the gentle one, caring. He remembered why he wanted to kiss Bakugo so bad that he actually did it, but he also now remembers what it felt like.

Izukus lips sparked at the contact with Bakugos, it felt so nice...
And how Bakugo gently held him, lead him, how Bakugo was so gentle the entire time...

Izuku slowly bought his hand to his face his finger tips gently touching his own lips trying to recreate the soft feeling of Bakugos lips yet not successful.

Bakugo looked concerningly at izuku "I'm sorry..."

"Oh it's not your fault kacchan it was mine-"

"You called me kacchan!" bakugo exclaimed with a grin making izukus face blush the most deepest red colour to exist.

"Oh sorry-"

"No you better always call me that, it's not fair how I have a nickname for you but you don't have one for me nerd" katski smirked.

Izuku looked at Bakugos hopeful eyes and shit I swear his heart just tripped.

"Alright k-kacchan" izuku said with a blush forming on his face as he looked away "let's go get breakfast"

Hey ppl, how are you my friends:)?

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