13, date??

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Izuku blinked a few times his mind couldn't process what just happened, is he still dreaming?? Hopefully not...

Katski with every second that passed got more and more nervous, his leg was bouncing up and and down as he bit down onto his lip, shit was this stressful... He never thought waiting for someone's answer could be so scary...

A small blush crept onto the greenetes face making Bakugo sigh in relief 'thank god' he muttered quietly, letting his leg rest.

Izuku fidgeted with his fingers "i-i would love too" he said following by his famous shy yet kind smile.
Katski smiled too, which was weird since he never smiled for other people, smirk? Yes, but not an actual true genuine smile.
But around the nerd he seemed to always do it.

Katski grabbed onto izukus hand and pulled him behind him, excitement shot through izukus body as the warm contact of their hands touching made his heart flutter.

They walked down the street, then on the bus and walked up a bit more, izuku wasn't exhausted even know the walk was long...
He enjoyed it in fact, yet curiousity got the best of him.

"Um, kacchan? Where are we going?" Asked izuku his curiose green eyes mixed with the ruby red of his.

"You will see freckles" replied katski looking ahead of him.

Izuku smiled in reply nodding slightly, he didn't know what to expect, since he also didn't know what this was? Was it a date...? Well izuku sure did hope so.

Was it just hanging out as friends? He didn't mind that too, to be honest, but the first version was better for izukus liking.

Soon izuku realized katski started walking of path up some unkept hill, and izuku was not prepared for this, to walk up a hill at such heat and such time felt impossible, but excitement of what was there overpowered that.

When they made it to the top, their hands not letting go the entire time.
Izuku gasped at the sight covering his mouth with his palm slightly as he watched the scenery.

It was a wonderful small but spacious beach with supprisngly no one on it, and a single pool house stood next to it.
"This is beautiful kacchan..." Said izuku watching the small waves hit the shore soaking the sand.
The water was the most prettiest shade of blue, and was so incredibly clear.

The sand looked golden from the hil, and most importantly tidy.

"This is my parents holiday house or something, so I thought I would take you here and we could spend the day here, just relax..." Katski said looking at izuku with hopefully eyes, but he was suprised to see such excitement in the green pools.

"Yes of course! I would love too" giggled the greenete. "it's beautiful..."

Katski smiled "well let's go then" katski carefully showed izuku the safe way down the hill and they made their way to the house breaking their hand contact for katski to take out the keys.

He opened the door slowly revealing the big living room with a connected kitchen.
Big couches stood facing a huge TV and behind them stood a modern kitchen.

Also spiral stairs leading to which izuku assumed bedrooms and bathroom.

Katski smirked at the shocked greenete as he pulled izuku up the stairs and showed him the bedroom "let me get you a pair of swim shorts" he said looking through the closet and pulling out a pair.

"What- no wait kacchan... I can't swim" izuku said sheepishly, embarrassed by his answer, a small blush placed on his cheeks.

"That's fine, I'll teach you" the idea excited katski, teaching izuku.
He stood up passing him the swimsuit and pushing him into the bathroom
"I don't accept the answer no, it's summer and we are going to go for a swim"

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