6. kacchan~

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Izuku fidgeted with his fingers as he stood outside katskis house, today he was going to go to a party with Bakugo and that didn't sit right in him.
Because izuku was not the party type, it's loud, crowded. And izuku was shy and nerdy.
But it did sound tempting, he thought that if Bakugo would stay with him then he will be ok.

Bakugos door opens revealing katski Bakugo himself, izuku waved shyly and katski smirked at the smaller nerd "you ready freckles?" Asked Bakugo.

Bakugo was never excited for such things, like going to a party with someone.
Why should he be excited by going with some extra? But this time, Bakugo couldn't help his excitement.

"Of course, Bakugo" smiled izuku.


Soon they made it to Denkis house, it was a big pool house and so many people were there oh god izukus stomach twisted in a anxious way.

Bakugo realized and put his arm behind izukus neck pulling him closer.
"Right listen up nerd, don't drink to much, and always be next to me"

Izuku nodded "alright"

As they were going in someone screams Bakugos name, him and izuku turned around in sync.
It was a short girl with blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes, the dress she wore nicely exposed her body, she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Vicki what do you want?"

Vicki and Bakugo used to date, she actually stuck around for a month supprisngly, but their relationship was mostly sexual, they never went on dates or never did cute couple things.

"Just wanted to say hello katski" she smiled.

"It's Bakugo, now fuck of" he said pulling izuku away and walking towards the house.

Now Bakugos hand was holding izukus, Bakugo didn't even realize that he did that, he just wanted Vicki to leave him alone.
Izukus face was slightly red as he looked at Bakugos bigger hand holding his, it was nice, warm, the moment was nice too.
But everyone was watching them and that felt suffocating to izuku, everyone watched them, especially Vicki, when izuku turned around to look at her she gave him the most angry death glare.

Izuku sighed, his first party experience was going...great

"Sorry about that" said katski bluntly.

"It's alright, let's just forget about them and have fun how you promised me" izuku said as he started walking Infront of katski and pulling him along.

Bakugo was suprised by the sudden action, he watched as the greenete pulled him. His eyes landed on their hands that were still together, Bakugo felt butterflies flutter in his stomach, but why? He has held hand before? Many times actually... So why does this feel different?

Soon they entered the house and were greeted by Denki, Sero and Mina.
"Hey boys~" Mina said in a flirty way making Bakugo roll his eyes.

"Hey extras"

"I already prepared a drink for you two" said Denki who was already tipsy.

Bakugo looked worriedly at izuku "you want to drink?"

Izuku thought for a few seconds before nodding "yeah sure, why not?" he said with a smile, katski wasn't so sure if izuku drinking was the best idea, but katski would be with him the entire time, he won't let anyone touch or hurt him.

"Alright, here you go" Denki said passing the red cup, izuku whispered a thankyou before all of them shouted chug, accept Bakugo.

Izuku took a deep breath and chugged the whole drink making everyone laugh, the liquor made his insides warm and his mind was slightly dizzy.

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