Chapter 9: The Gang

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"You're probably wondering where I'm taking you," the Zabrak said smugly, guiding her with a blaster pressed against her back.

Vella didn't reply, he seemed like the type to want to monologue so she'd let him keep talking, just in case he revealed something he shouldn't. She had to give him props though, she had no idea she'd been made, he acted like he played into her hand like putty.

The night was warm and humid. The pale moon and the scattered golden streetlights lit their path through the slim streets and alleys. She would have enjoyed a lovely, leisurely stroll through this walk. Unfortunately there was nothing lovely or leisurely about the stroll she was currently taking. Her heels clicked quietly, contrasting against his boots heavily and confidently pounding against the cobblestone.

He pushed the blaster a little further into her side. "Nothing to say? I thought you were supposed to be something special."

Finally she turned to look up at him, her eyes narrowing and a brow raising.

He gave her a smug smirk as he placed his hand on her shoulder and shoved her into an alley. "Your reputation precedes you, Delaba," he sneered. She stumbled but quickly caught her footing and whirled around only to have hard metal handcuffs clasped tightly onto her wrists. "I'm not taking any chances with you."

Vella was silent, her eyes scouring her surroundings. She'd have to outsmart him if she was going to get the upper hand on her much larger opponent. The alley was dimly lit and the cobblestone floor would make moving in her heels difficult. It smelled strongly of rotting trash, a whole number of overfull cans lining the alley wall, some of which toppled over, spewing garbage everywhere.

Orim was stiff, he seemed nervous, he kept glancing behind him as if expecting something. She could take him easily with a stance like that. What was he so afraid of?

She raised an eyebrow and saw an opening when he was turned around. Vella sprinted towards him, grabbing the blaster from his hands and kicking him in the side. He hit the alley wall with a thud and stumbled to the ground while Vella stood above him with the blaster pointed at his head. "Give me the chip," she demanded.

He ignored her, a smug look returning to his face as he held his side and used the wall to help himself stand. "I didn't recognize you until your Mandalorian showed up. You certainly know how to clean yourself up."

He took another long look at her, eyeing his pistol in her hands. "Your friends, your crew, they told every lowlife in the galaxy they put a bounty on your head. They warned us about you, told us your skills, strengths, weaknesses," he said, back to full height and cracking his knuckles. "You might as well come peacefully, before the Mandalorian gets involved and there's no choice but drastic measures."

Vella looked at him with concern in her eyes, if what he said was true. The Weequays that'd been in the hangar had only been the first encounter. She let out a mocking chuckle as she forced herself to calm. "You think you can do anything to the Mandalorian?"

"I hear they're formidable, that's why I called in reinforcements." He lunged forward, diving for the blaster.

She ducked back, firing at him but missing every shot as he dodged. He was fast, grabbing the gun with one hand and punching her down with the other. Vella rolled and landed back up on her knees, watching as he aimed the blaster down at her.

"You're bested. Stay down," he demanded.

"Bested?" She asked. Vella dived to her side, picking up a discarded lid and hiding behind it as he shot. She kicked up the trash on the floor and as he blocked his face she threw the lid at him, knocking the blaster from his hand and sending it clattering to the floor.

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