Chapter 17: The Reunion

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Lara had left before the firing started. She debated going back when she heard the blasts, but knew her mother and the Mandalorian could handle themselves. Besides, Lara had her own important mission to complete.

She stuck to the shadows, dodging any line of sight from behind the dense forest. Lara knew this terrain better than anyone and planned to use that to her advantage.

Their tents were spotted around with her grandmother's small mud hut sitting in the middle. Vella's crew had set up camp around Nahla's home, which made no sense to her, but she didn't question it. It was more convenient for her.

Lara's eyes locked on to one of the tents, the only one she'd seen so far being guarded. The girl kept low to the ground as she inched closer, hiding behind crates, bushes and trees. A majority of the hunters were away, leaving only two to guard their prisoner, easy pickings for the daughter of a Jedi and a Mandalorian.

The small smirk that spread across her face was involuntary. The Aqualish male was covered in light brown hair and his pitch black eyes paced back and forth cautiously. The Rodian had almost pinkish skin, his blaster was held out and ready but Lara could tell by his eyes his mind was elsewhere. They were both bigger than her, more muscular, taller, but probably not as fast. And thanks to her mother's training, she knew how to take down someone twice her size. Lara tilted her head until her neck popped and offered some relief, then loosening her arms, she readied herself for her attack.

One deep breath in.

One deep breath out.

Lara sprinted full speed before jumping up and kicking the Aqualish into the Rodian. The two cried out as they struggled to catch their balance but Lara had already gotten the advantage. She landed a precise punch to the Aqualish's neck and kicked the Rodian's leg in from behind. They fumbled briefly before the Aqualish caught himself against a tree and held his neck. With a low chatter from his two large teeth-like tusks, he shoved himself forward to grab her. But she was too fast. In an instant, Lara slid to the ground and swiped the Rodian's feet from below him. She pushed up with her arms and drove her feet as hard as she could into the Aqualish's chest. He fell back, knocking his head against the tree before falling limp. The Rodian dove for her but she rolled backwards out of the way. Jumping up, she sent her fist hard into the side of the head. He hit the ground as well, motionless.

Lara stood, her breathing unsteady but her body prepared for more of a fight. They groaned but neither moved, they'd feel that tomorrow. She forced herself to relax and stand up straight as she realized both of them had been knocked out.

Slowly her eyes drifted from her limp opponents to the tent's closed doorway. She inched closer, her heart racing faster with each step. Lara was terrified of what state she'd find her grandmother in. Vella would have said something if she was... Her jaw clenched and she forced those thoughts from her mind. With a final deep breath meant to steady her, she quietly parted the drapes as she entered. Her eyes glided along her surroundings. The place was a mess, things laid strewn about, boxes and papers and tables knocked to the ground. The oil lamps on the crates were dim, barely enough to see clearly.

Finally her eyes settled on Nahla, hanging suspended on nothing in a containment field. Wrists held beside her body with metal cuffs. The woman's head was bowed, her long gray and white lekku dangling down her shoulders and back. Her dark skin was cast in a blue hue but Lara could instantly see the bruises on her arms and face.

Lara's heart leaped into her throat as she rushed towards her. From what she could immediately see, there was no permanent damage, just small things that could heal easily enough. But she knew they'd been electrocuting her, she could still see the remnants of burns in the woman's arms and the taser stave laying abandoned on the ground.

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