Chapter 4: The Past

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Fun fact! At the earlier stages of Against the Odds, I had three introductions written: Vella already a Jedi (the current one), Vella as a Force sensitive person (I don't remember what else about that one), and Vella as a bounty hunter.

I'm happy I went with Jedi :)


The three settled into the Razor Crest, both adults were still warming up to the idea they'd be stuck together for a while, even if it would be short. But it could go without saying, neither was quite pleased with their current circumstances.

Din wasn't exactly opposed to the idea of another person on his ship, but he also had plenty of experience with being stabbed in the back by someone on his ship. So he'd keep a close eye and a far distance when it came to his newest mysterious associate. The Child stayed with him at all times, and was currently sitting on his lap in the cockpit as Din looked for a planet to jump to. But the task was proving to be more difficult than he was hoping it'd be.

There was a lead, maybe, for someone who knew where to find a Mandalorian, but he couldn't jump straight there. It would have to be multiple days and over a couple jumps, which would mean refueling. He sighed and the Child looked up at him, his head tilting.

"I guess we're stuck with her for now, kid," he said.

The baby's head tilted further, wondering how that could be a bad thing. For now they waited, he hadn't fully locked in the location to the nav. There wasn't much of a plan other than the waiting game, but to be completely fair, they didn't have much of a plan at all.

They both knew it would be better to keep moving than stay in one place. But a break to regroup after the attack at the hangar was needed. So for the time being they sat in middle space. The Mandalorian made it clear he'd keep her safe as he continued his mission and they waited for her to regain her strength, though his search would take priority. Vella didn't know what he was looking for, he wouldn't tell her, but she didn't mind as long as it didn't affect her.

The two had come to an agreement that whatever credits she helped him make, half would go towards his payment. In helping him on his search and with any jobs they found, she could pay off her debt to him. But that wasn't until they found somewhere to be hired by someone who was hiring.

Din flipped switches and tapped at glass dials to check the ship and run a diagnostic. Meanwhile Vella sat on the metal ground downstairs. With her hands not being of much use, she decided to meditate and center herself. She was hesitant to open herself fully to the Force, the resentment of a broken child still lingering. But she knew she'd need to be in control of her emotions if she was going to succeed. So for the time being, her meditation would only be for herself. Tapping into the Force would be a last resort.

She made herself relax, loosening her shoulders, resting her hands open, breathing deep and evenly. The only problem she was presented with was emptying her mind. The connection that she was beginning to forge with the Child was starting to change her attitude towards the Force as a whole. It was beginning to annoy her, it was constantly on her mind. But she couldn't be upset. His little clawed hands were chipping away at the wall between her and all the pain she believed the Force had caused.

Vella couldn't count how many planets had been threatened all because the Jedi were there trying to fight back. She couldn't count how many lives were affected just by coming near her. Soon the only Jedi that were left were the ones who had stopped fighting. How many lives were lost because of the Force and a connection to it?

As a young Padawan struggling to survive under the Empire without being found, exhibiting any traits of a Jedi, or any Force abilities had been long abandoned. Vella had wanted nothing to do with the Jedi or the Force because of the pain they had brought her and continued to bring her. In her mind, because of the Force her master and her people had been killed. So she'd closed herself off, isolated herself from it for almost thirty years. But now that she was older she knew the world wasn't so black and white. The Empire had planned the attack on the temple and the Jedi would had had no chance.

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