Chapter 2: The Hunted

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They ducked behind the crates, close enough to feel the pressure of each bolt that hit them. The Mandalorian had picked up their guns and handed hers to her while she handed his child to him.

"Eventful first day, huh," she said dryly, forcing herself to loosen her hold on her blaster and turning to send him a weak laugh.

He didn't respond, except for maybe a grunt of pain he let out as he placed his hand over his side. The Baby looked up at his fathers helmet before reaching towards the wound, but the Mandalorian didn't let him go near it.

The bounty hunters stood triumphantly with guns pointed to where they were. "Your crew has been contacted, they told us to tell you they're coming for you, Vel," the captain said, sneering smugly at the crates where they hid.

Din watched as a switch was ticked before his eyes. Her joking attitude from a second ago was quickly wiped away by a deathly stillness. He saw her body go rigid, the tension in her shoulders, the clenching of her jaw, the burning in her eyes. It wasn't the first time he'd seen that kind of reaction, but they were usually from enraged hunters and bounties. Din hadn't expected to see it from her, a cocky smuggler, or well, whatever she was.

Even the Child seemed to notice, his attention turning from his father to her. He let out a worried babble, meekly reaching out his tiny hands in an attempt to sooth her, but she turned away.

The boiling point took no time to reach, her face reddened in anger. "Don't call me that!" She seethed, in a tone of voice that felt much too deep to be her own.

"There's no escape, Delaba, give up!" He yelled. "You're surrounded!"

Vella wasn't intimidated of course, she'd seen more dangerous odds. And as much as her master had once tried to train it out of her, she still felt strongly. But it didn't matter, her master was gone, the Jedi were gone. Only she was left. And she'd survived far worse than this backwater crew of bounty hunters.

"You haven't got a chance," she yelled, "I'd suggest you take your own advice and get out of here while you have your lives intact."

The Mandalorian looked at her. Was she always this cocky, or was she bluffing? He had no idea, but assuming they were stuck together for a while, he knew he'd find out.

"You've got to be—"

With a quick motion, Vella was turned around and shooting any target she could see. Din took her lead and with the two sharpshooters combined efforts, they fended off the pirates enough to make them cower.

Vella felt a small sense of relief but it was quickly overwhelmed by a sinking feeling that filled her chest. Both she and the baby became agitated. Something was coming, far more dangerous than just blaster bolts.

The baby cried out and Vella moved fast to turn around and push the Mandalorian and the child under further cover. Instinctively, Din's body wrapped around the Child.

So many times, she'd nearly gotten herself caught by dipping down into the Force when she needed it. Falling debris about to crush someone, a little extra speed, a little extra insight. As against using the Force as she was, she seemed to do it more than she'd like. But right now it seemed like she had no choice but to once again tap into that untouched reservoir.

The detonator flew towards them and she reached out her hands behind the cover of the crates. Her eyes closed as she felt the Force around her, catching the bomb without touching it and flinging it back the way it came. But she hadn't timed it right, the bomb had been too close and exploded too soon. The flames erupted through the landing port and the walls were scorched with black ash coating the earthy tan. Her ship had been burned on its hull but was otherwise undamaged. Vella, on the other hand, was astutely aware of what damage had been done to her.

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